So I've seen plenty of pictures of the Prius C display showing how many MPG's someone is getting so I thought we would all post them in one place. RIGHT HERE! With all the money were saving lets celebrate by posting your display pics showing your MPG's! :whoo: Let's see who can obtain the highest MPG on a trip of at least 10 miles. I figure 10 miles is a good number since someone might decide to drive down a hill for a mile and post their pic up and claim 100 MPGS. Not many 10 mile stretches of downhill that I know of Lets get this started! :clap2:
Nice numbers! I haven't hit 60 mpg's on any trip yet. Must be my lead foot. Also it doesn't help that i drove a high performance vehicle before the C. One day one day!
99.9mpg today but it was just 4 miles downhill in the city My personal best is 87mpg for 15 miles on the freeway, again downhill but not all
Had a 32 mile trip that was 63 mpg but on my trip home the other day I had 2 5 min intervals that were over 99 mpg. Now if I could just figure out how to do that all the time...
Lets see some pics! Without the pics anyone can claim any number not that I don't believe anyone but lets show the proof with the numbers! I'll be posting up my results on my 90 mile trip shortly
This was me mastering PG correctly. No hills or none sense. I know this was only 8.9m but I can assure you that the number was climbing & I think I can do 90+mpg over a much longer trip.
Who the hell wants to drive 30 mph for a hour and a half. I am all about good mpg, but at that speed why not ride a horse.
My pic is 99.9 over 10.5 miles or something. There ARE long downhills lol. I'm happier with my trip to work this AM: 19.2 miles at 61.9. Didnt take a pic.
He may have made stops. Average mph counts stops, slows downs, accelerations, idle time etc.. Average mph is generally about 10-20mph slower than your normal cruising speed unless you fill up then drive for an entire tank and never stop except to refuel. lol
Most of the driving in my CTh is highway or country road, and the average is still only 42 mph. Every red light is *murder*