I was stopped getting ready to turn right when a lady hit me head on (mostly on the right front) totaled the Prius I am sure , completely demolished her Nissan Maxima. I am sore and have the exate black bruise where the seat belt was and the air bag put a huge knot on my sternum , but got home from hospital today. I called my dealer and he will get me another o6 pkg 6 this week and i can get it at $500 over invoice. he has 3 instock but no pkg 6. But I want pkg 6 this time I am going with white I hope. But that prius took a licking and it was still running that is the electric engine when they went to try to load it. It impressed me to say the least. I am now haveing second thoughts though about another even though I ask him to get me one. The mileage really dropped in cold weather to 37 mpg. I can get a Camary with 4 cyl drive it like I would a Prius and get jsut as much almost and have a lot more room
I certainly am glad that you are (more or less) OK. I'll make a toast to your Prius for giving it's life to save yours!!
wow! glad to hear you're okay. we nearly got hit last night. while you have a scary story, it does make me feel safer in the car. best of luck getting all of this taken care of.
Sorry for the spelling I am all pain shotted up LOL I meant to say he has 05's at $500 over invoice , I will get another 05 just to get what I want the nav and all and the 06's I am sure he will not cut as much. Thanks for your concern. yes it held up unbelievable, but man those airbags stink man almost like burning something , The prius is great in everyway except the milage dropping so low in the cold, It drives me crazy, ot crazier than I already am
Glad to hear you are okay. It sounds like the Prius' safety features did their job and you are still able to tell us about it. I wouldn't worry too much about the mileage dropping in the cold weather. It's all relative anyway. Just think what a regular ICE powered car's mileage is like in the winter. It will drop proportionally if not more than Prius' mileage. Cheers, -- Ian
First, make no critical decisions until you're off the pain pills...judging by your writing in this thread you're in no condition for anything more critical than coke v Pepsi type decisions! Second, sounds like you were pretty lucky and that it was a pretty bad wreck. That seat belt bruise has a high incidence of associated interal organ injury. If not for the air bag (bad smell or not) you probably would have had serious injuries to your abdomen, not to mention your head and chest. Finally, when you're 'sober', come back and tell us about your commute and drive. My wife just drove ~250 miles to Little Rock in my Prius. She turned the heat up to 71 degrees and likes to drive about 5 over the limit. It's mostly 60 and 65mpg highway on the way down there and she had 3 kids and passenger seat and cargo area loaded with some fairly heavy Christmas presents and luggage. Even so, she managed 48mpg! Short, in city commutes are going to kill your mileage on any car. The Prius will be more sensative, but it's also when it really shines on emissions. I'm gonna push you pretty hard to stay with Prius.
I love it. dogtrainer gets home from the hospital and goes online to tell his PriusChat friends about it. Just like the doctor ordered :huh: Glad you got through it in one piece. You'll probably be sore a few days. Bless those airbags. What part of the country do you live in? Can't picture how she hits you almost head-on if you're stopped, ready to make a turn. Did she just run a light or stop sign?
my Dad has an 05 Camry... it got him 34 mpg on his trip to Texas last summer and he was very pleased. right now he is getting about 23 mpg putting around town in 30º weather...not quite 37 mpg is it?
Does that mean you are going to bribe him with another . . . um . . . stronger prescription? :blink: Gork him up, then talk replacement Prius. Brilliant Doc, simply brilliant!!! Nobody leaves the Prius gang without a fight.
I'm also glad to hear you're okay (or will be very soon), dogtrainer. But, you know, you're stuck with getting another Prius as a result of this line in your sig: Yes I am a Republican that drives a Prius LOL imagine that!!. Changing that to Yes I am a Republican that drives a Camry LOL imagine that!! just does not have the same ring to it. Sorry, your next car = P R I U S! :lol:
The first rule of PriusChat is, you do not talk about PriusChat. Seriously though. Glad to hear that you've all (or at least most) your bits and pieces. Those offset head-ons are the worst. Hope you're able to work out all of the kinks in the next few days. Get some rest!
Thank your lucky stars you are OK. I lost my son in October to a hit and run (toyata tercel vs Tractor Trailor head on). Anyway, I agree with Evan. You can get an 06 at 500.00 over invoice and your considering not doing it? Most of us are paying MSRP or higher! Must be the vicodin. :blink:
Glad you are mostly OK. When our first Prius was in the shop, I really really missed all the bells and whistles such as smart entry, etc. Hang in there! I would suggest trying to get an '06 over and '05 Prius- back up camera and it would help on resale (not a year old model as the 05 would be).
That's a scary story Dogtrainer. Glad to hear you are doing pretty well considering the circumstances. Take it easy. I hope you are back to 100% soon.
Hm. Well about the thought of getting a Camry because the mileage of the Prius dropped to 37 in the winter time... Don't expect the Camry's mileage to be steady at whatever it is across the entire year. The mileage in the Camry and any other "conventional"car will drop significantly in the winter time too. And unless you live in really harsh climates, it will warm up, and your mileage will shoot back up again with the Prius... In the summertime, it would be very difficult to drive the regular camry and get 50-60 MPG. But yeah, in terms of room, maybe you should consider the Camry. Perhaps if you can hold out until later in 2006, you could possibly get a 2007 Camry Hybrid when they ship? I have a feeling that come January when Toyota announces the new MY Camry, you won't want the previous generation anyway! That should be the best of both worlds... high gas mileage in a 4 cyl Camry, with more room than the current generation Camry.