i think the prius dealer deliberately over tightened the oil filter cap.. ive had my foot against the ratchet and it will not move,, this is the 2nd timed for that
That's one reason I do my own oil changes. Although, given the layout of the Prius underneath, I have to ask.....how in the world did you get your foot to the ratchet to push against it??? Did you pull the cover all the way up and out of the way?
That is one of the reasons that I stopped taking mine to the dealer. They way overtightened the oil filter each time. They must put this on with an air wrench set to a high pressure
i ran out of time last yr and the dealer changed the oil,, so come 7k later i could not get it off and too it to the dealer about nov '11 and now here i am = cannot get it off re; the foot on the ratchet,, i had it raised enough to lay down and get to it.. my freind has a lift in his garage,, my next visit,,IM SEROUSLY AFRAID I WLL BRAKE SOMETHING ITS SO TIGHT.
This is a perfect example of why I'll be doing the first oil change on the car in a couple of weeks and I'll be using a torque wrench to put it all back together.
I'm sure you are correct, but thought it was worthwhile to remind you to double check the lock tab on the oil filter housing. :mod:
Gotcha. I was just picturing someone with a leg wrapped around the undercover lol. Do you have an air gun? You could use it to knock the filter housing loose if you are careful with it. Otherwise, you definitely need to get it up on a lift to use a long enough breaker bar to help. Best of luck!
There is a small metal tab that locks the filter cap so it cannot turn counter clockwise. ThevToyota filter wrenche raises the tab, while others will require that you use a small screwdriver to lift the tab out of the groove where it locks the filter cap. Make certain you locate and ensure the lock tab is raised before you torque the filter cap counter clockwise.
If you haven't yet gotten the cap off, try using a hard rubber mallet or deadblow hammer to deliver a firm strike to the end of your wrench. Keep striking the wrench and eventually the cap will break loose. Striking force is usually safer and more effective than pulling on an overtightened part.
took my 2010 to dealer and they got it loose before they took me back,, i saw a long bar they apparently used,, with the mgr there i asked how do you torque the cover,, they said "we just tightened it down".... there is clearly a torque spec on the cap and they did not even kn it. this is a major high vol dealer and the service is clueless.
That locking tab is pretty ineffective: I've had it off for 3 DIY oil changes so far and pretty much ignore it. It bumps out of the way as you loosen the cap without you having to lift it or anything. It sounds like an air head with an air wrench at work
Do people really use torque wrenches for oil changes?? I've probably done 100 or so in my lifetime, the last 12 with cartridge style filters on the ford and MB. I've never done more than hand tightening. If the prius has a locking tab that falls into place when the cap is aligned, it seems you can't really over or under tighten it?
I never paid attention to the locking tab, and apparently totally missed it for all 4 oil changes I've done already. I wonder if mine is still there.... I hand tighten down the housing, and probably with way more than is necessary. I do have to give a good tug and constant pressure on the ratchet to remove it.
Finally did my oil change today. Like everyone else, it was a PITA to take off the oil filter. Finally thought of my dead blow hammer from harboe freight 2-1/2 Lb. Neon Orange Dead Blow Hammer and got to lossen it up. Used a 65/14 oil cap wrench that was lying around to unscrew it. The 65/14 fit perfectly - snug and tight. Had to be on the passenger side and hammer that racheting wrench a couple of times to loosen it up with my right hand and holding the plastic cover with my left hand. BTW, my prius was on a ramp. The locking tab was not locking my oil cap wrench at all in either direction.