We have some projects going on and two sick animals. So I of course it was just the right time for the dishwasher to break. Did my research, narrowed it down to two brands. Both get excellent CR ratings, and reviews from different online sources. My question is anyone own a Bosh 800 Series or Miele (Classic or Crystal Series) Dishwasher? Love it? Hate it? Problems? Both are are costly which seems the biggest issue. These are the only brands Im looking at now, got rid of the others for various reasons.
we have a 4 yr old bosch.$1,000. very quiet, very small due to insulation, takes 2 hours to run, had to have the pump replaced once because a glass chip got in it and destroyed. water all over the kitchen floor. repairman said ther is no filter to catch stuff like that. no other problems, doesn't clean any better than the $300. whirlpool it replaced but we wanted to put a cabinet door on it and bosch was one of the few you can do that with and had a good rep. all the best!
We've put in a Bosch dishwasher in the last 3 kitchen remodels, so have been using it for 8 years now. Used it in the first house (cheapest model at that time) and loved it since. The Bosch in that house is still running great for the last 8 years (5 of which have been a rental). The current one we have is about 1K. The reasons we love 1. it is super quiet - we have a open living room/kitchen/dining room and runs it while watching tv 2. cleans really well without pre-rinsing - this is a must for my dishwasher to save time. we just scrape everything off the plates before putting them in 3. we use the quick wash mode now and love it. it takes only 35 minutes and gets 95% of my dishes clean. I just leave the dirty dish for the next load and it comes out sparkling clean. We've never used the miele so cannot comment on that. The Bosch we currently have is in the upper mid end (not top, but higher than series). We did have to use the warranty to replace the pump free of charge. This happened to the last 2 Bosch, but I think it's because we bought the floor models. It broke withing the first 3 months. No issues since.
Hmmm... All these expensive Bosch dishwashers have all needed to have the pumps replaced? Coincidence?
I've got a Bosch 500 series dishwasher. Very quiet machine and so far it's working as it should. 1 year old, so I can't tell just yet how long it will last. But while we are at the topic of cleaning, my LG washmachine lost it's tub seal after 8 years of working flawlessly and I had to swap the bearings and tub seal. Hopefully I get another 8 years out of the machine now that it's fixed again.
We have a Bosch dishwasher, my wife wouldn't buy anything else. Pros Quiet Pretty Cleans well Cons Expensive Takes 2 hrs to run
Thanks all. I want a Miele they seem to be made solid, and last but due to cost Im going with the Bosh instead. Both are quiet, Miele much more costly, but I like it better. If I had nice dishes like crystal etc, I would get the Miele. I do think some of the higher cost esp Miele are worth the extra price.
I ve had Kenmore,nWhirlpool, even Kitchenaid. Now I have a Bosch that was about $550 about six years ago. Wll never go back.
Bosch - we have one - no pump issues - super quiet - cleans better than a brand new GE it replaced. Miele - heard only good things no personal experience but these 2 were also our narrowed down to choices ... best of luck with this and the animals ! anything with a motor : go german i know i know !
Thanks! Tomorrow is my shopping day. Not managed to change hubby's mind on which one we are getting...so Its the Bosh. ***Animals...My cat is much better off antibiotcs rescue older cat from a shelter gets sick alot...My dog however is 120lbs and just diagnosed with Cushings disease this week. He should be ok with daily meds, my pocket book not so much, after all the testing and ultrasound to diagnose him and the Meds equal a new diswahser every three months or so.... Tad off topic Love my Sebo vac, just love it, also German made, going on 6.5 years not a single problem with that vac, heavy use, not needed service one time. I have 3 dogs so vac gets a workout...(3 Rottweilers...see trend?) so one might say I also have a German home security system.