I have a Ultra-Gauge from my vehicle I traded in for my Prius.Does anybody have any suggestions how I should set up for my Prius.I have about 75 different gauges to choose from.
Anybody using a Ultra-Gauge Have one I purchased for my vehicle I traded in for my prius.Anybody using one for thier prius and how did you set it up?
Re: Anybody using a Ultra-Gauge Most of us are using Scan Gauges, because of the X-Gauge option, or running Android tablets with Torque Pro and USBSEAWOLF2000's custom PID list for GEN II or III in English, or Metric!
I have one that I bought for another vehicle but currently have been using it to mainly monitor these things on screen number one: engine rpm, engine temp, instant mpg, tank mpg, 12v battery voltage and ambient air temp (not sure why I decided to pick that last one since I all ready have it). Note: I have the original which doesn't offer as many hybrid specific gauges as the newest version. Good news is I recently found I can send it back in and get it upgraded for $10.