Congratulations! Enjoy, I and those others currently afflicted with P.A.S. will bathe in your reflected glory <grins> (as with Jack 06 I will also not trouble you for thousands of pictures, just enjoy the car for those of us who are still waiting)
Thank you guys!'s in allright BUT it's on "hold" till 1/2/06, then I'll take delivery. So, I'm afraid I'll be waiting along with you guys too. Now this will test me <_< I will try to post some pics tomorrow that are different somehow than what has been posted already by some fortunate PC'ers That may be a challenge. Any specific pic requests? I'll "git er dun"! Aaron
Maybe its not great picture material, but could you find out more about the tire pressure monitor? What do the valve stems look like? Does the manual say or does the dealer know how it is accomplished?
GreenMachine, We have that Tire Pressure Warning System on our 2004 Sienna. There's a little button by the power sliding door disabling button under the steering wheel...sort of. I don't know if it's the same system on the 06 Prius yet obviously but.... I just pulled out the manual for the Sienna and it doesn't say "how" it works. The valve stems are "normal" as far as I can tell. I believe the system must work on some sort of leveling sensor/balancing sensor of some kind and not anything to do really with the actual tires or rims. The manual does say that there are numerous circumstances where the system will not work properly. There's a bunch of them: when 2 tires lose pressure at once that are on the same side or same axle. Another is if you use a tire size other than spec. Another is if tread wear is different, if pressure is much higher than spec, slippery road conditions, rapid acceleration/deceleration, the loading is over the limit or imbalanced, and get this: when the vehicle is driven less than 19mph OR OVER 62mph and the driving duration is less than 5 minutes. LOL, my god, it's a wonder if the thing really works at all.....sheeeeeezzz. Glad I pulled out the manual, I might of thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe they have made some....I don't know....improvements for the 06 Prius. I have never seen the warning light except when starting and resetting the thing. You have to press and hold with ignition on and then it blinks 3 times. Also, you have to reset the thing when you rotate/balance/change the tires. That reminds me, guess I ought to go reset it since we did that recently. LOL. RTFM right? Aaron
Wow Thanks for the info. There are several red flags there aren't there? If it is the same for the Prius, then the higher tire pressure most are using might be a problem as well as the over sized tires that some use. Those two things were what I was concerned about. If you do get a chance to check out the Prius, it would be most helpful. Thanks again and congratulations. This waiting for January is taking its toll around here :lol:
You're welcome. Thanks again and will do! I agree about the wait for January..... patience, patience. Oh how it's killing me :blink: We'll get there and it'll be worth it. Aaron