You probably have noticed that when you have a concern about your Toyota and call Toyota customer service, you get a subcontractor low paid personel type. It is difficult to persuade them to pass your call through to actual Toyota employees. In my complaint in the form of letters to the COO, Toyota Sales and to Mr. Toyoda, Pres. in which we see deceptive sales practices used in the co-operation between SE Toyota Distributors and our closest dealer when we purchased our 2011 Prius lll. This dealer, and others, advertise 20% off on advertised promotions. The disclaimer at the bottom of the page states you must finance through SE Toyota Distributors. They do not state that if you pay cash there is a $2000. or other high fee until you are completing the purchase. With their right hand they offer 20% off, then with their left hand take it away so you never get the 20% off. This is without a doubt a left handed deal. Flim flam sales artistry of ca. 1900 is not dead! I also complained to the Florida Attorney General about this with no results yet. The response from Toyota was in the form of a telephone call from a low level clerk from customer service who rudely informed me that this was OK with Toyota.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us I must agree the way Toyota treat its customers,I found by calling Toyotas customers service line at least for my problem they were completely useless, i have always said the reason Toyota is doing well is because of the success of the prius,if it wasnt for that fact,They would be a useless car company, Thats how i feel about Toyota,But i do love our prius !
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Help me understand this. The ad says you must finance through SE Toyota to get the advertised promotions. You don't want to finance through SE Toyota, yet you don't understand why they won't give you the promotion--that they clearly state requires financing through SE Toyota? I don't get your logic.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Hmm...I'm all for constant improvement of customer service. But? Did you really expect a call to any Customer Service number was going to somehow connect you to Toyota's highest management? To the President of Toyota himself? Your complaint, is your complaint. And I'm not hands on familiar with the situation you are complaining about. My only question would be, when you went to sign the contract was the fee hidden? If not? Then while the practice might be deceptive, and clearly unadvantageous to someone paying cash for their vehicle. I don't know if you could call it fraudelent. If the fee was revealed on the purchase contract, then I'd think you had the freedom to back out of the purchase at that point or question the fee at that point. Maybe your actions in the matter would lead to a more open revelation of the reality that you have discovered in your specific dealings. But I think it unfair of you to expect that Mr. Toyoda would be on the other end of the line, or become personally involved in the purchase of financing actions of a specific dealership, even if there actions are somewhat deceptive. If the fee wasn't hidden? I think you have a tough road proving it was in any way illegal, even if it is argueably deceptive or obviously not advantageous to those lucky enough to be able to pay cash for their vehicles.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us I dont care to argue about this but the SE interest rate is much higher than the local bank rate. The fee is not shown on the contract, but still subtracted from the 20% off price thus hidden. No one actually gets the 20% off. I don't know where you are coming from, but this is not right and I don't know how to make it more simple than this!
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Where I'm coming from is, based on the facts you presented, I don't understand what you're getting all fired up about. Of course dealers make money on financing, which is why this 20% off promotion is conditioned on your taking financing with them. Seems to me that since--based upon your own description--this was disclosed in the ad, that while you may not like it, I personally don't see anything "flim flamy" about it. Did you really expect to get 20% off a new car (much more than the dealer profit involved), with no conditions (including without the conditions clearly stated in the ad)?
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Yes, but as revealed. If the offer of 20% off is contingent on financing through the dealership? And YOU are NOT financing through the dealership? As far as a Higher Interest rate than available at a Bank? Probably true. But that is buyer beware as well. Most people spend time evaluating a automobile purchase BUT not evaluating the cost of financing. I agree that it is a marginally deceptive practice. I just disagree that you have much leverage outside of deciding NOT to purchase from that dealership. And I don't think the specific business practice of one single entity and Mr. Akio Toyoda's failure to get back to you on that, translates directly into meaning Toyota doesn't care.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us SE Toyota also charges an additional fee on all Toyotas that other areas don't charge and I believe they also pile unwanted options on cars that other markets don't tolerate. So, I don't know why this particular practice has got your goat. Playing whack-a-mole with a company is pointless. If you really want to do something, either don't buy a Toyota or take your business to another area that doesn't pile on the crap and then help other people do the same. This is the age of the Internet. Buying from another part of the country is easier than it's ever been.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Couldn't you just have financed through the SE Toyota, gotten the %20 off & then when the first payment comes in you pay off the full amount? Or where there clauses that some how would prevent you from paying off a loan in the full amount. My Toyota dealership said there was no penalty at all. I could pay off as much as I wanted & end the terms when I wanted. It wasn't like a home mortgage where I would have to refinance.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us I've only had to call Toyota Customer Care once, but I had a very pleasant experience. The person who helped me could not answer my question, but she got the answer and called me back in about 15 minutes. It wasn't the answer I wanted, but that wasn't her fault. As a customer service rep, she did a fine job. I fail to understand why, when the conditions of a discount are clearly stated in the ad, you somehow think that you should be able to get the discount without meeting the conditions. I have yet to hear of any auto dealer that runs their shop as a charity.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Which, I'm thinking, could be obtained from a local credit union or other bank offering a competitive rate.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Your reasoning makes perfect sense, but there were high finance fees up front and high penalty fees for early pay off.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us The problem is that the requirement for financing with Toyota is in tiny print that is obscure and difficult to read. It is similar for the $39 oil change and other service ads that the local dealer sends me every couple of weeks. The tiny print, that I can barely read, states that synthetic oil or service for the Prius may be higher. In addition to Toyota knowing that this service is higher for the Prius, the also know that My Toyotas are Prii that don't qualify for their bait and switch offer.
I agree that Toyota should step in and prevent their dealers from engaging in deceptive business practices. I know that a dealership is an independent business, but they have contracts which no doubt forbid the dealer from all manner of shenanigans, and Toyota ought to take the side of the consumer and tell this dealer to stop with the fine print ads.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us ITS A SHELL GAME. NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T! Those that think this is OK, that there is nothing wrong with these sales practices, in the words of another posting member, "MUST BE ONE OF THEM!".
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us It's called marketing and advertising, and as you say.... "sales practices". It's nothing new. Does your McD's burger ever look like this? Of course not. This is the same difference. Actually it's not. There is no fine print on the McD's ad stating that your burger will look crappy in comparison. +1 for your dealership.
Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us OK so let me get this straight, you are complaining about a car you purchased based on a dealer ad. And you read the disclaimer that stated that you must finance through the dealership in order to receive the full discount. And when you didn't finance through the dealership and did not get the discount you became angry and thought that you were somehow going to resolve this with the president of Toyota? What you should have done is just financed the car through the dealership, gotten the 20% discount and then if you were not happy with the rate gone and refinanced the car with another bank. A auto loan is not like a mortgage, you do not pay all of the interest up front. I do not know of any bank that charges a prepayment penalty either. You argument has no basis. If you knew that you had to finance through them to get the 20% off and you didn't then its your own fault. Why did you still buy the car? It's not a shell game. Toyota is not going to do anything for you. Neither is the attorney general. You just get to stay home and be pissed off that you didn't follow the ad to get the 20% off. Haha
Either you cant see or you cant read. The points are: THE FINANCING HAS TO BE THROUGH THE TOYOTA SE DISTRIBUTOR at a higher interest rate than a bank and they have an EARLY PAY OFF PENALTY FEE, its not a bank and if you PAY CASH you are required to pay $2000. or another high fee. NO ONE ACTUALLY GETS 20% OFF!