Happy Easter, everyone! May you all have a joyful day. Out of respect for those for whom this is a special day, I am not going to post in that other thread today. I am going to celebrate the day in my traditional way: I am going to eat a chocolate rabbit after lunch. More of a Celtic or pagan celebration of spring, I suppose, but there's no reason we can't each observe the day according to our inclinations. For me, it's spring, rebirth, and a chocolate rabbit after a long winter. A good news kind of day for all of us.
Hey! I posted the thread title in all caps! The forum software took them out and left "Easter" in lower case. That was NOT my intention!!! Can a Mod correct that, please?
Daniel, All in good fun: Do you nibble on the ears or the other end first? When I was younger, we always hated the hollow chocolate bunnies, they seemed disengenuous; hollow. Part of it was it was hard to stretch the nibbling out for hours and hours because the hollow ones melted easily, or broke into pieces. A smallish one of bittersweet chocolate could last all day. And then there were the foamy candy chicks: Fu-ged-aboud-it! We were in a real candy shop the other day that had, in addition to bunnies and chicks, chocolate crosses. My partner was horrified. I said that If you were a eat-the-bunny's-butt-first person, they would present a real conundrum... And that's how the argument started.
Well, I'll be a sunofagun. The software will not allow all caps titles. The best I could do it capitalize each word. Sorry. All the same, HAPPY EASTER!
Three men died and went to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates..... ....and St. Peter said to them, "I have to be honest with you guys. You are borderline cases. So we're going to give you one last test, and if you pass, you can enter Heaven, and if not, well, you know where you can go." So the first man steps forward to St. Peter, who says, "I'd like you to tell me the true meaning of Easter." "Oh Easter! It's a wonderful time. Family comes over, we sing carols, and exchange presents. It's really a lot of fun!" St. Peter shakes his head and says, "You idiot, you're thinking of Christmas. Step aside." The second man comes up to him, and St. Peter says, "I'd like you to tell me the true meaning of Easter." "Ohhhhh, Easter! It's a lot of fun! People dress up in costumes and kids go out trick or treating for candy. It's really awesome!" St. Peter shakes his head sadly, and says, "No, I'm sorry, you're thinking of Halloween. Step aside please." Now the third guy is really sweating, because he was not a church-going man in life, and after seeing the other guys fail so miserably, he was not feeling real good. "I would like for you to tell me the true meaning of Easter," St. Peter requests. "Well," the man begins, "I wasn't very religious, but as I understand it, a couple thousand years ago, Jesus came down from Heaven. So they hung Him on the cross, buried him in a tomb..." St. Peter was so moved that this non-religious man was getting it right that he interrupted him, saying, "Hey, you guys, listen to him. Maybe you'll learn something! Go on my friend." "....Yes; and three days later when He came out, if He saw His shadow, there would be six more weeks of winter."
Thanks, Tony. "Happy Easter" is fine. I just didn't want people thinking I was intentionally making a point of leaving Easter all lower case. I am not going to disparage the holiday. I generally eat the ears first. The other end seems, well, not quite right. Me, too. You just don't get as much chocolate when the rabbit is hollow. Some years back, I found a solid one, but you know, it was hard to eat, it was so hard. So I went back to hollow. This year I've got a solid one (5 oz) because that's all they had at the store I went to (a specialty place with quality chocolate). Five oz is a lot of chocolate. Along with the pizza I'm going to have, it will probably set my diet back a week. But, hey, it's probably the only holiday I celebrate.
Well off to worship and praise my awesome Lord, Jesus Christ who came to Earth, led a sinless life so that He could be an atonement for my sins at the cross, such that I might not only live eternally with Him in heaven someday but that I might also have a meaningful and fulfilling life here. What a great day to be alive. Thanks for asking D, may you have fun chowing down on that chocolate bunny.
I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the service, Spiderman. (Not sure if you'll see this before or after.) And same to everyone else who goes to church today. Jesus was a cool guy. I probably would not have followed him, but I think I would have liked him.
Happy Easter!...or Passover....or Spring everybody!!!! Thanks for the thought, Daniel! Oh...and enjoy the wabbit. I'm an ears guy myself.
I recon Easter is cool happy Easter and Passover to all. I am just happy to put another year astern, today is my birthday. I was born on Good Friday 35 years ago and now here I am with an Easter birthday. The only candy I have eaten thus far was one solitary Cadbury creme egg.
Happy birthday, Dustoff. The only candy EVER??? Or the only Easter candy? The rabbit was good. (I made a point of getting it from a high-quality place.) Ears first, then the tail (not the rump, just the tail) then the eyes, which sort of stuck out from the head, then the legs, which were really just slight bumps on the torso of the sitting rabbit. That left me with a nondescript, solid lump of chocolate, which I gnawed away on until it was gone. Of course, when It was gone I craved more chocolate, which always happens, and is why most of the year I make an effort to keep chocolate out of the house. Tomorrow morning it's back to the diet, probably a pound heavier than this morning. I'm still on track to reach my goal before summer hiking season.
Went to services this weekend. My only regret is my bobcat-looking Maine Coon did not have a chance to drool at any jackrabbits in the alley from the window for Easter - there was rain today.
I just wish the other three cats would accept him, so he might have to go to another home. A friend of mine had to give him up as he was nervously spraying - attacked by her other cat. He is in a room by himself with limited access, hoping they can learn to tolerate each other.