Hello, my first post here just signed up. i have a 2006 Toyota Prius Nothing is displaying on the nav screen. I removed the MFD screen and inspected it cant find anything wrong with it the soldering looks fine. Is there anyway i can test the unit before buying one. MFD part number 86110-47220 This is not part of the TSB 2004 - 2005 issue.
Welcome to PC LT1: So it never comes on at all? Nothing works on it? - Have you noticed anything else not working in the car? - Did it just stop on you at some point or is this car new to you and has not worked since you have it? Sorry for all the questions, but to really help - I think we all need some more information. I hope you have carefully checked the fuses in the car (using a volt/ohm meter not your eyes) as that is the first place to start.
Hello jpadc, Had the car since it was new, first owner. It has over 160k miles, it's been acting really weird for about last 3 months intermittent issues. Then all of a sudden it just got worse and now it's just blank screen. All the fuse are fine. Before all this happened everything was working fine. Then the radio stop working and a/c controls stop, backup camera, ect. ect.. Then it looked like the screen froze and stop responding to any touch screen input. When i push any button i don't get a beep sound. Once in awhile it lights up and sits there frozen at random screen menu. Only way to get anything working is to use the steering wheel controls. I've did a lot of search and seems more and more like a MFD issue. I just wish I knew what to look for, I'm good with electronics and willing to take it apart again and find out what's going on before having to buy one.
Search around, a fellow repairs and ships them back promptly, tags are mdf, repair etc. reasonable price also
Ya, I've seen the website that repairs them, I wish some one would lead me in the direction so I can try to fix it my self. At this point I'm stumped I don't see anything apparent I love fixing stuff and would love to know what's wrong with this.
I suggest you review the following website to see whether you might benefit from the info within: Prius MFD
I had this issue on a friend's 2006. Replacing the MFD with a used one out of a 2009 fixed the problem. The cost was about $450 from LKQ. MB860 ?
I've been to that link many times, seems like the 2006 MFD is completely different from the 04, 05 when I had mine apart. On my MFD the pin 60 looks like its brand new I've done resistant test, I've looked at the IEbus and it looks and test flawless. I don't see any sign of burned/leaking capacitor. Still scratching my head on what to do with this unit before buying a new one.
You can contact the PC member (who is in the SF Bay Area, I believe) who can repair those units and pay him to repair yours. Or you can replicate what Hobbit did, using a microscope to inspect the solder connections, etc. Or you can look for a replacement unit.
Sorry, I've been out for a bit. With a 2006 unit it is unlikely to be some small solder joint that is bad, but more likely a failed capacitor or logic board failure. Patrick Wong is right here (as is the norm). So your best route to proceed has a lot to do with your electronic skill level/tolerance for the work and how long you want to be without a functional MFD. As you have seen, you might be able to save some money by shipping yours off for exchange with some people who rebuild these, or you likely can buy one on eBay or from a salvage yard. There are many available on the aftermarket so you need not buy a brand new one from a Toyota parts supplier. Toyota might help you a bit as an extended warranty/ loyalty matter, but I bet it will still cost more that way than a salvage unit. Sorry for your problems..