Whoa, really? My dad is 70 years old, drives a B-I-I-I-G-G Chevy Silverado with the cover over the back, and he's on the gas and the brake far more aggressively than I drive a RAV4 about half that size. And I consider myself a fairly aggressive driver, having learned to drive in West Germany and Massachusetts. I almost never get passed in Nebraska (except by the police & emergency vehicles). If he drives more aggressively than me, then I say that it is no wonder that he has high blood pressure! I'd love to get him to calm down and stop riding the bumpers or the cars ahead of him. But after this many years, I don't see how he'll ever change his behavior. He is lusting after a new Chevy Silverado to replace his current one. Is there any hope?
30 yrs old business professional, engaged, one child. Just sold my 2011 Limited edition Tundra and made the switch. Had it about a week, and love it.
37, married, professional 8 year old daughter.. And can I say.. I really hate that Life commercial for the Prius? Ugh I am not sure who that is supposed to appeal to???
19, college student, in a relationship so far of 5 years. Love cruising my gf every where now without worrying about filling up the tank all the time. (Won a settlement back in 2009, so saved the money to buy the right car for me, saw the Prius C on tv, immediately knew it was the right car for me!) And loving it!
lol, Yes he sold his Honda Fit Sport for a new C! He's loving it. I love my 2009 Prius. These are the best cars we have ever owned!!!!
23 years old, full time student and work full time, unmarried, no children, just a rescue dog - I am replacing my 1997 Lexus ES300
First--yes--there is hope! I have read every 91-stinkin' posts here. Gread Thread! Looks like the avg age (to me) is between 30-40....I am much above the avg ringing in at a slim, healthy vegan 67~LOL. A-N-D I have always been a BIG Block HP dude. Still own a Dodge RAM Rumble Bee 390HP, blow the socks offa many things! But, that said, I have changed since retiring 5 years ago. Still own a '99 Prowler and a coupla other non-descript vehicles, but recently, we bought a 2012 MAZDA3 S GT, 6-spd manual, leather, blah, blah & tho' it is fun-2-drive, it tops out at 32-mpg (only sposta get 28--so that's good), but 32 ain't 50. The RAM? Maybe 18-to-20. So, the RAM has gotta go, even tho' it's a looker. Now just waiting for my chosen dealership to obtain a RED or Habanero THREE & the trade will happen! Gotta say, love this website--never knew it existed 'til today! Look forward to readin' the many threads & sharin' experiences w/the new Prius C THREE....whenever it happens! Ty-K
so, tytan, you are about my age. im 67 til april 20th. i just sold my horrendously fast harley vrod a couple of days ago. im not vegan (used to be baptist ha ha) but a big exerciser with my hero being clarence bass and dave draper. keep on truckin as we used to say:rockon::rockon:
Pc3 on order. I'll be 70 this year, married, one great-grandson. Gonna split time between the Pc3 and my '34 Hudson coupe street rod.
We are almost on the same boat! I'm 28 living with girlfriend and we also replaced an 07 civic. I have an 06 civic Si that I want to replace with a hybrid as well but I was thinking possibly a cr-z or if I can get my s together a Lexus ct200h. After driving the c for almost 2 weeks and not needing to fill up I don't think I can go back to a non-hybrid
Prius c 4 with options, 32, divorced, no kids Replaced my 2008 Honda Ridgeline RTS Navi My ex ended up with the 3rd gen Prius from the settlement... I missed it so much that I just swapped out my truck for the c. Loving it so far.
55, male, married with two grown children. Replaced our 2007 Prius with a c3 metallic rain. I think we will be Prius owners for life!:rockon: