:wave: :computer: I ran across this photo of 1/?? scale model 2004 Prii today and have no idea were to get them but if someone does PLEASE post!!! :?: :?: :?: :computer: :wave:
:guns: :guns: :guns: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: NO, NO, NO :!: :!: :!: These are not the 1/60th scale Tomic #106 ( Look at the photo again, my photo is of 1/18th or 1/24th scale.). :roll: :bootyshake: :roll: :computer: :wave: Hint: click on photo to enlarge!
if you wanted to emphasize the size of the vehicles, then you should have put something in the pic to give us a reference. also the toyeast site did sell many different model sizes including 1/18th i believe but when i tried to register i got a page not found error. so im not getting anything from them
:mrgreen: :roll: OK DaveinOlyWA Just for you here are some pic's with some scale (hope ya got your coke bottles on.). :lolup: :lolup: Just a note, I have seen a 1/43rd scale in the photo section and I don't think these are the same scale. Also I've searched toyeast all 758 toyota products with no luck. Top two pic's - two cars on the right are 1/60th scale one on the left :?: and white on the bottom also unknown (maybe 1/43rd ) but I think it's safe to say it's larger than 1/60th scale. :computer: :wave:
Hmm, I only saw silver and blue when I ordered. Anyone want to swap for a while one? jv <- White 04 #9
:sleeping: :tomato: Sorry to break your bubble :!: The white is N/A at this moment unless you or someone else can find it. I'll be looking and if I find them I'll post here :!: :computer: :wave:
I'd like one of the larger 'seaside' ones for my desk. Where do you order those? Toyeast's website is AWOL...
Sorry to tell ya that the only diecast that I know of are the tomica #106 and can be found on e-bay. :computer: :wave:
:wave: :wave: Pic's came from Japan sites :!: :computer: Google search PRIUS+JP :!: I don't have the info that goes with these pics as I've been having problems with translations. Hope this answers your question. :computer: :wave:
The ebay seller shawmut_ma that ifftster mentioned has also been selling Toyota-manufactured EVmode buttons on Ebay. I know it's a slight change of topic, but does anyone know how he or she might be getting them? (I keep getting outbid). :roll: ~Andrew