1.) Do the 2006 Prius rims have that plastic cover thingy? Tried to search for this but can't find it (OK, I admit, I didn't look long). 2.) Did the 2004 Prius come in classic silver metalic or millennium silver? Both? Funny thing happened today. The guy who sold me my new Kinetico softner/R.O. system was leaving today and I saw a Prius on the side of my house. It was silver and very nice looking too! I thought "wow, my car's not supposed to be in til next week....they brought my car to me early" ....no no no, the tax credit thing ARGH! Then I woke up. (OK, yeah, maybe I'm a little obsessed with getting my car) It's been on my mind a lot today...Imagine that. It was his car! Then we talked for a while of course. He's had it for 2 years and I asked him if there was anything that bothered him, any complaints.... He simply said...no. That was that. Funny thing today. At least to me. Aaron
One question answered, I saw a 2006 white Prius today and it had those plastic rim covers. I do wonder what they are for??? Still looking for the answer on #2 though. I did see a silver 2004 in person yesterday and was wondering if it was Millennium or Classic??? Thanks, Aaron
It was most definitely the Millennium. That's the one with the metalic, stainless steel, colorless type look... which as a result reflects whatever color that is near by. The Classic had a soft hint of golden brown, ever so subtle of a earthy tone enhancing the silver.
Millenium ('04-'05). The trim rings, IMO, are a design mistake. Left on, they give the Prius the worst-looking spoked wheels on the road.
Yes, if I understand your question, the '06 wheels have the ring that just pops off. Looks better without, IHO.
Thank you guys! So, you can just pull that plastic cover off and the rim is left nice and shiny/new looking? If that's so, what are they for in the first place? Aaron
I recall seeing some posts here on PC that they had to do with a slight aerodynamic improvement, I am not sure how much they could improve MPG though.
roach, Thanks, that would make some sense as to what they're for. If I can, and the rims look nice underneath, I'll take em off. They look like hub caps sort of. I don't like that look. I would have bought a $15,000 Corolla if that's what I wanted...LOL. Aaron