I see tons of posts on pulse and glide on gen 2 prius, which is wonderful. However, when I check the photo's, they don't match my prius gen 3 i just got. The main problem I am having is no matter how I try to "glide" i almost never get a "blank screen" like they keep showing in moving gen 2 vehicles. Did they change the display in the gen 3 or am i doing something wrong? Even at my most careful, going downhill etc. I still get the reverse power where energy is going from the wheels to the battery, or it shows energy from the battery to the wheels. I seem to have a lot of problem getting the engine to stay on, battery off. On a downhill, for example, my one indicator is showing 99mpg, but I never see the visual indicators "go dark". Just trying to figure out what is "normal and achievable" in the latest prius 2012 gen 3.
It just takes practice to do and is easiest to learn in "ECO" mode. After you get in down, it can also be easily done "POWER" and "NORMAL" mode.
Dragon, Can you or someone post some pictures of what my energy monitor should look like on a gen 3 monitor?
Don't use the same screen on the Gen3, as the arrows are far too touchy to be useful for this. Practical gliding doesn't need 0.01% accuracy. Instead, use the HSI screen, and adjust the throttle to make the bar disappear between the Charge section and the EV section. This is much easier to achieve, and is plenty close enough.
The video tells you pretty much all you need to know. Kinda like fuzzy just did. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...max-mpg-driving-techniques-youtube-video.html
The only speed I can truly get a "Zero Bar" glide is at 8 mph. Otherwise, the car is always showing arrows going to or from the battery during a glide. But as Fuzzy1 pointed out, use the HSI screen as it gets you plenty close enough.
ok cool, i'll check the video and get back with questions. It makes me eel a little better that I'm not insane. Can anyone tell me (even though its hard to use that screen) what it should look like in best mpg mode (aside from blank)? Am I okay as long as energy is going from the wheels to the battery, or from the battery to the wheels with the hsi showing 99mpg? Also, fuzzy, do you have a screen shot of this scenario, so i know for sure what you are saying it should look like? Instead, use the HSI screen, and adjust the throttle to make the bar disappear between the Charge section and the EV section. Thanks, Derek
The only useful advice is to stop looking at the energy flow screen. It is useless for what you want to accomplish. Turn it off or switch it to the consumption screen on your 6.1" monitor (2012 Prius) and leave the HSI monitor running on the dash.
I totally agree. Take it off the screen showing the arrows, the only thing they will do is point you to insanity. Keep it on the HSI screen! When you want to glide, take your foot off the accelerator and re-step until you don't see the bar between CHG and EV. BTW - I have been using the Normal mode a lot more lately and have found that my gas mileage has improved over use ECO mode. I find that if I accelerate a little more briskly in Normal it gets up to speed faster, especially on local roads and then I either try and maintain using EV (<42) or glide according to traffic conditions. On the highway, I use one of two tactics. I accelerate to about 5 mph over what I want to travel at and then back off to around the "O" in ECO. Just try backing off slightly from there and you will see your instantaneous mpgs go up. I then try and maintain this as long as I can (SHM), then rinse and repeat. Or I get about 1 second behind a larger vehicle and my 1 minute consumption display will go up by about 15 mpgs. Using Normal mode helps me stay in that sweet spot behind the larger vehicle. Going home from work yesterday I got about 65 mpgs (FCD) on a 34 mile trip. Try it!
You are able to switch to EV when you are going less than 42 mph? Whenever I tried to push the EV button when I was only at like 26-30mph, it always beeped at me and said excessive speed and would not let me switch to EV mode. Am I just reading your statement wrong or am I doing something wrong?
Yes, it is confusing. EV mode is only good to the mid-20's speeds (I forget the actual number because I've learned here to NOT use it) but..... the electric motor can provide 100% assistance up to 42mph. This pretty much is limited to even throttle application. Ask it for any acceleration whatsoever above the 24-ish mph range and the ICE (gas engine) will come on. Driving at 42mph on the electric side only will quickly drain the battery (2 bars) and cause the ICE to come on to recharge it (lowering your fuel economy). hope this helps
What I meant by switching to EV is that when you take your foot off of the accelerator and then put it on again it will show EV on the HSI, as long as the engine is warmed up and you have sufficient charge. I am not selecting the EV Mode, I am still in the Normal Mode. Basically, use the ICE to accelerate and use the EV to maintain speeds <42 mph. Sorry for the confusion! I never switch to EV Mode.
I strongly recommend reading Hobbit's Sweet spot refinement for using the Gen III HSI in hypermiling. I got about 60 mpg (63.6 indicated) this morning in my 20 mile drive to work @ 40° F. Part of it was learning the traffic light timing over the last few days. Also the traffic was lighter approaching the long weekend. - Chris
Thanks Fotomoto and jsfabb for clearing that up. That makes sense, I was just making sure I wasn't going crazy or that my Prius wasn't broken since I couldn't get into "EV mode" past 24 on my Prius.