My Entune Weather App is showing 0 degrees and I know it's 80 degrees outside. Is this normal? I'm seeing on both my Android App and on the Navigation system on my Prius V.
Just a shot in the dark, but did you allow the Entunes App access to your location on your smartphone? Is the location correct on the app when you look at the radar? BTW, we have been seeing 0F way too often here in Alaska. Isn't it supposed to be Spring?
I don't think there is any settings on the android phone to access the location. It's automatic, I thought.
On the android, it is 'Settings' -> Location and Security. If you have your GPS turned off, same with Google Location Services and possibly your Service Locations services (VZW for Verizon, for instance), that could be the source of your problem as it may not know where you are.
Is the Entune Weather app linked with the phone app? In other words, the weather that shows on the Nav is from the phone app? I'll leave my GPS ON for the phone and see what happens. By the way, when is iHeartRadio going to be released? And how do we update?
Last I heard the update for the additional apps was Spring 2012 which gives them until the 3 rd week of June technically. The update is done by the dealer via Flash drive. And no I don't think the entune app is tied to anything on your phone. Make sure he GPS is on and the app has permission to access it. W