First post on this great site... I just ordered a metallic grey 4 this weekend (costco deal) and it includes the smart key... My question is, when you go to the drivers side door and touch the handle, does it just unlock that specific door? I am looking at this from a security point of view for my wife. Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you have it set to do. edit: OOPS! I realized you posted in the Prius c area. Sorry. The above video may/may not apply to you.:redface::embarassed:
You can set it. Mine used to do all the doors, I changed it to do driver only. IIRC, the manual states that the passenger can open their door (which unlocks all) if the driver is close enough to the car.
check out pg. 519 of your owner's manual. from the looks of it, it might be possible, though they are talking about the wireless remote vs the smart key in the section of unlocking the driver's door.
Just don't keep your smart phone in the same pocket as your smart key. It causes interference and won't let you start the car
This has happened to you? My EVO 4G is always in the same pocket. No issues yet /shrug Definitely something to try if I ever have an issue though.
I wouldn't put much stock in this. The SK operates at 312.15 MHz, wheras cell phones don't go any lower than 700 MHz.