Definitely a transition however very impressed with the MPG more importantly the lower carbon footprint I'm leaving behind. I'd like to sport it out a bit, looking for access to the aqua body kits, and does anyone know what size wheels will fit I know 16" will. Is 17" too big?
welcome. that is a big move. I guess you possibly getting three times more MPG than the truck? I would also like to do some mod on the C, but not want the JDM part. lol too expensive. waiting for some strut bar, foglight kit, N&N intake?
Yeah big differnce, once my daughter was born everything changed. Just figured the more we save the more she will have throughout her future. I found and the have some accessories. Strut bar, sway bar, lowering springs, exhaust etc. hoping there are some resources in Japan I can find for an aftermarket body kit.
yes, their price is quite high. go to ebay. I bought some accessories from the USA toyota dealer. I bought the bumper protector, all-weather mat for trunk and floor. ask for discount if you are going to buy all the accessories from the same seller, they usually can do a little discount. I will wait for lower price aftermarket part. JDM is too high price for me. lol need to pay $500 payment for my PC 3 each month.
I saved 96 dollars in gas in four days going from a Tundra to my little C. I can't wait to see the savings after a whole month
Welcome to PC!~ Best Of Luck with Your New Ride. You have joined the many who put their families first. Pay for all this gas to Look Macho at the expense of my family or Get a Prius and spend the money on vacation or entertainment for the kids. You chose wisely my friend!!
My BIL is putting $170 in the tank of his Silverado each week, he could pay for a Prius in gas savings alone, amazing how some can't see that. He doesn't want a car payment, can't tell him that in three years, he'll still have a gas hog that is worn out and will have to trade anyway.
I've had it a week and haven't had to fill up at the gas station as of yet. However, I was averaging about 80 dollars a week (320 a month) in gas alone on the Tundra!!! I'll be saving a grip on gas, and my car payment as well. $600 a month in savings annual savings of $7,200 a year. (duh?)
Thank you for the warm welcome. I am new to this chat forum and find it valuable to read up on other peoples experience. Tremendous amount of savings for sure. Although this took me years to learn, it's not what I have that makes me happy. That comes from within. (although this PRIIC3 is a lot of fun little ride to get a round in) Thanks again for welcoming me to the group.
I was torn... I paid my truck off at an accelerated rate (2010 Tundra) and owed 22K left on it, but I lost value in the trade, and that value being lost was a thorn in my side, but I thought about it and realized... I didn't NEED Entune, I could save the difference and buy a REALLY nice aftermarket setup, so that dropped me down to the C2 (21K). All in all, I only went upside down about 2K, but after paying minimum 650 a month (I threw down 1000 a month to try to aggressively pay it down) in truck payments and 800 a month in gas, I thought, damn... at 1800 a month I could pay off my C in 11 months. Much quicker than my plan to throw down 1000 at 22 months to pay my truck off and STILL be stuck with 800 a month in gas. Needless to say, having saved over 100 so far, only one fill up, and 650 miles, I'm doing pretty well... I average about 700-800 miles a week, so I get giddy just realizing how much I'm NOT spending, the best car purchase I ever made!
I was going to give you big ups on saving money for your daughter's future, but that won't be achieved with pimping out a Prius, which is really a terrible platform for any mods like that Did you take a bath on the 11 trading it in? It must have been painful given that it's used, but still late model, and gas so high.
Yeah i hear ya on the upgrades costing etc. Considering the previous vehicles I have owned in the past this is a HUGE step regardless of whether i come out of pocket on a few upgrades. Like I said, I'm throwing some wheels on it just to sizzle the appearance a bit. Either way I know I made the right move and will continue to be conscious of where my money is being spent. I had 10k miles on the truck and owed 40k on it the dealership gave me 37k so I soaked up neg 3k however car payment is much lower and the MPG is ridiculous in comparison. Appreciate your feedback.. still feel I made the right move.