DIY again Silver carbon and Titanium metal are 3M scotchprint series 1080, the black carbon is 3M Di-Noc film.
Way cool! Did you use an adhesive, ie contact cement, on the OEM parts in addition to the adhesive on the new material?
Do the whole dash so that it looks uniform. I don't like the material used for the dash and this is a nice improvement
3m 94 primer is the stuff to use. It's very thin primer that makes the 3M vinyl self adhesive really stick. You just need to use it around the edges and in concave areas or any other place the residual tension in the vinyl will tend to lift the vinyl.
You Crazzzy kids and your Carbon Fiber! In my day, Dash's and steering wheels were made of metal. That's it metal. Solid, immoveable pieces of metal, with maybe some glass just for fun. There weren't no fancy "Airbags" to suddenly appear like angel wings to save you in an emergency. No in my day? The Dashboard was what you saw right before you saw the bright light with departed relatives standing around. Now you got airbags, collapsible steering wheels and carbon fiber stickers to make it all pretty. Sure it's better. It saves lives. But do we have to make it look pretty? I would pay extra to have my steering wheel airbag have a picture of Satan on it. That way? Anything that may happen after deployment would seem like an improvement. "I don't know officer. I was driving along, then bang, suddenly I saw Satan coming at me in a cloud, then next thing I know? This nice paramedic was telling me everything was going to be okay". Am I a little off topic? You betcha....
Were these pre-cut or did you cut them yourself? Any when you did theglove compartment and airgag, did you have to take it off the dash first to install the vinyl sticker?
Hi Jay-P, I cut them by myself. No pre-cut. I didn't take them off because I don't know how. But if you can take them off to install the sticker, that will be much more better. As you can wrap the sticker edges to the inner (hidden) part. :rockon: