I've owned my 2007 since Dec. Had the oil changed and got a warning light so took it in yesterday and had to replace the 12v battery and the stop light switch. All fine and good but here's where I need advice. After I got it back yesterday, I went to adjust the side mirrors and a very loud, crackling sound (almost like hot wires touching) came from behind the area where the nav screen is located. Tried the other mirror, same thing. Tried it several times and it sounded the same every time. I got in my car this morning and noticed a very faint burning smell however the noise was gone when I tried the mirrors. I called the mechanic and they make it sound like it's not related at all and coincidental. I think the timing is more than that. Before I take it back to the mechanic today, I'd love to know if it's possible that something they did yesterday could create this short or whatever it is? I don't want to walk in and have them take advantage of my naivete. Thanks in advance!
Who knows what all they did?? -- But, if I were you, I would certainly take it back pronto and have them explain in detail why they think it was NOT something that they did. Yes, I w/b accusing THEM of having created the problem.
There may be a loose ground wire from them doing the stoplight switch. That's the only thing I can think of.
It does not seem likely that the problem is related to the prior service work, since the sound appears to be coming from an area that is not near where I think they would have been working. It sounds like something that should be investigated though. Burning electronic smell is never a good thing, but it is also not necessarily catastrophic. Arcing across a loose connector can cause that as well.
If you can't demonstrate the noise this morning then I doubt the mechanic can do much for you. It seems unlikely that the problem was caused by the prior work. However, if a problem is found and you post what it is, we can comment on the likelihood it was caused by the prior work.
I'm interested in why "having the oil changed" should have caused a warning light in the first place! Was it the same mechanic?
Yes I read that, but my point is that changing the oil would not normally cause those things to fail.
Yeah, I wasn't very clear. Should have said I have owned the car since Dec and, until yesterday, the only work I 'd had done was the oil change. Yesterday they put in the new battery and switch. Thanks for your replies, everyone. I'll post again when I take it back in!