I still have some time to decide, but I stopped by my Sprint store to get a tour of the different options... These are what I found: PM-325 - $220 Treo 650 - $500 PPC 6700 - $600 MM-A940 -$400 A900 - $350 A920 - $350 I was really liking the A920 with the stereo speakers, but I'll have to do a bit of research to see if the others are going to work 100%. I'm wondering if I bought the phone elsewhere (eBay or some such), if they'd charge me some kind of activation fee...
Sadly, Sprint will slap you with a $18 activation fee if you add a phone that was not part of your account previously. Stupid, stupid rule. I'm hoping people will speak out enough about it so they'll get rid of it.
I had asked that to the guy I was talking to (seemed pretty nice) he said he wasn't sure, but he'd do it for me for free... I'm hoping I can hold him to it. Any experience with those other phones and whether or not they'll work well with the Prius, Vagabond?
holy cow -- someone has to say it -- do you sprint guys really pay $220 for your cheapest bluetooth phone???
Those are full prices. And ya, CDMA phones cost more than GSM phones. The disadvantage of not having a world market like GSM.
Current trade in program is $75 credit for 1 year of service and $150 for 2 years of service when you reup with another 2 years.
Not exactly; It's not how long you have had service with the company or how long your current contract is/or time remaining, the 1-year/2-year is entirely dependant on your phone. Yes, you can screw yourself over if you purchased another phone or swap phones with a buddy. (I'm trying not to become a Sprint rep on this board, so I'm gonna be fair to people here when it comes to Sprint and other carriers.)
Vagabond, OK, I just got the MM-a940 after a year of waiting for %$% Sprint to come out with a decent BT phone. So anyways, mine synched up fine and I could use the touch pad to make a call and to answer a call but NO sound came out of the speakers. I could hear this little voice but it was coming from the phone itself :blink: I figured that since yours worked fine I must be doing a bonehead.....I did sit there with both manuals trying to figure it out but I do have to get up in the morning and work B) so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Ronn
yea it does not like the touch pad - it's a thing with the Prius most likely. dial from the phone, it's easier and much safer, especially with the phone's advanced voice dialing features. I can be sick and pretend I'm a girl and the thing still works great.
Ok, I'm really pissed. The A900 'Blade' is not compatible with the car. Why? The phone keeps sending out a false Incoming call signal to whatever it's paired with. Once it happens the only solution is to disconnect the phone from the car or reboot the phone. Sprint and Samsung are aware of this (I've written to the dev team personally) and there's a BT update in the works due to be released very soon.
Anyone have a word on the update? I was interested in getting an A900, but after hearing this I need confirmation that the phone will work.
Vagabond, who is affiliated with Sprint, discussed that phone earlier in this thread. He likes it and it works well with his Prius.
No. Super-secret-hush-hush info I will tell you is that there is another update to the a900 being released around the 22nd but I doubt it will have the nessary BT updates that I'm hoping for. Sprint is really pushing hard to get the Blade perfect, that makes it 2 updates in less than a month the phone has been in service. Gotta love FOTA (Firmware-over-the-air) I wish the Prius had that
It works well. In fact, I kept my 940 for that reason. And there is a BT update in the works for it as well. I'm not expecting a huge improvement, since the phone works well as is. No ETA that I can give yet.
Thanks for all the info on these two new phones Vagabond. Please keep us informed. I think I'll hold out a bit longer for the 900. MAYBE they'll bet it right. Thanks.
I got my 940 -- now I just gotta get my Prius! Heh! T minus 12 days. On a crappy note, apparently no Sprint phones are compatible with my TomTom Go 700. ;/