TYPO - THIS IS ALL FOR A PRIUS IV Well, we have decided to buy a Prius. Our ask is for a 2012 Prius Model 3, blizzard pearl, light gray int, solar roof. MSRP should be $33,035 (multiple sources), Fair Purchase Price (KBB ) $31,588, Invoice $30,657. Of course the dealers do not make it easy. Dealer 1: Dark Gray Int, add All Weather Mats - Offer Price $32,688 Dealer 2: add Carpet Mats, All-State Tint - Offer Price $32,871 Dealer two is 0.25% less on the ($20K) financing (at 2.0%) What should I do? Waiting on another offer from a delaer that does not have the car, looking for it. Would value input. Wasn't looking for tint, but...
Can you get financing elsewhere and cut that out of the variables? Eg a local credit union? Tint is maybe $200 in our area. They aren't giving you any deal on that and you don't have any lifetime warranty on it perhaps and you don't know what kind of it film. I would do it after, if it were me. Those prices look high? Can you email more dealers? Are you able to use any car buying program?-- usaa Amex Costco?
Darn, I mistyped, it is a IV! Dealer2 is the CU buying service and the rate is 2% if I buy through them, and 2.25% otherwise. Dealer 1 is thru COSTCO. Steve
Steve I see you live in richmond, so do I. I purchased mine from McGeorge and got a sweet deal. I can give you the name of the salesperson and contact info etc if you want to pm me, not sure what the rules on that are as far as posting it here. Also assuming that you are financing for 5 years the difference between 2% and 2.25% on 20K is only about $130 over the term of the loan and that drops to about $80 if you finance for 3 years. You will probably waste that in time and gas going back and forth. Just a thought.
Hmm...that's a tough one bc they're both neck and neck with price and apr. If it comes down to those two offers, I say just go for the one that can offer the package/color combo that you want, which it looks like dealer 2. Although you weren't looking for tint, the extra price you're paying for it is under $200 anyways.
Prices are almost identical. I always try and buy from the dealer who is going to be doing the service on the vehicle. I'd give them last look and, if close, do business with people I'm going to be doing business with for next few years.
I agree with that and I have given them a try, but no response yt, and this is where we did the test drives.
If you have been to local dealer A and they have the car, and then you go to dealer B who will look for it they are going to call dealer A because they have it. You are shooting yourself in the foot because dealer A isn't going to sell the car to dealer B because they think they have a customer (you) who is interested in it.
I understand the premise, but A and B are over 200 miles separated as one is thru CU buying service. Plus you got prices from three adjacent dealers in the city, no? (H, Mc and M?)
I personally think you are way overpaying. I got my gen3 2012 prius IV with all weather mats for 29,410 OUT THE Door. It was 27,200 invoice. You should email 10 dealers in VA,WV, OH and see if any will match my price. Then pay 200 bucks to fly to pick it up
When I worked for Chrysler, we would go on Chrysler corporate website and be able to see every car and there location. 200 miles was not uncommon for us to do a dealer locate, especially if the customer wes being very specific. I got pricing from the 3 local dealers here in Richmond. I did email a few that were a little further out, but I am not going to waste time and money trying to fly to another state to save a couple hundred bucks when over the life of a loan it works out to a $2 a month savings. The price I got from McGeorge worked out to be about 12.5% less than MSRP which was way lower than anybody else in the area.
Did you ask about a Costco price? At my dealership I asked for their Costco price right after the test drive, saved a lot of time. Six weeks ago I got my 2012 BP IV with solar and LED door jams for $31,806. Seemed comparable to some of the better deals I saw here at the time, and was easy.