I'm sure some/many PCers visit other websites or boards for information and/or entertainment (or even a fairly congenial group of members, such as here). Why don't we share a little? When I used to use Netscape in the late 90's, it had a feature called "New and Cool" or somesuch, updated daily. Don't know if any (perhaps even more widely used) similar services are around today. I'm going to do a little searching on that. In the meantime, please list any sites you think are worthwhile, with a brief description of what it offers. Probably best we stay away from very "specialized" sites, unless there's something uniquely interesting or funny about them. Use your judgement. http://www.howstuffworks.com/ what it says; fascinating variety http://truthout.com/ daily updated compendium of articles from other media, most with a liberal bias---from mainstream (NYTimes) to obscure blogs
www.livejournal.com My favorite 'journaling' site; don't journal much myself these days, but I use it to keep up with friends who live all over the state www.myspace.com Use it to keep in touch with old friends, family members, people I went to school with, and my favorite bands www.ebay.com I can't stay away. I sell and I bid and sometimes just spend hours browsing for nothing in particular www.constantchatter.com Message boards started by a group of girls, covers a very wide range of topics, but I can only handle it in small doses www.msn.com To keep up to date on the day's news and finding interesting things to click on and read about www.ingdirect.com I'm obsessed with how much interest my $ accumulates compared to my old Wamu account
http://www.pcmag.com/category2/0,1738,7488,00.asp Found this one searching. It's "101 Best Web Sites", compiled by PC Magazine; several categories (reference, careers, travel, electronics, gaming, etc.). One category offers several well-done optical illusions and a Museum of the Worst 100 Album Covers Ever Made, among other things. http://www.worldbestwebsites.com/ Edit: another---is this the one that awards the "Webbies"?
commonly visited sites are blogger.com and a whole bunch of science links. guess i'm a science geek... heh.
>snip< garfield in the back seat, possibly more to come does Garfield have a girlfriend in the back seat?
Dividends (pick a date and it will show, among other things, all stocks trading ex-dividend on that date): http://www.companyboardroom.com/dividend.a...51216&client=cb Dynamic Yield Curve: http://stockcharts.com/charts/YieldCurve.html Stock Market Crash Index: http://www.wwfn.com/crashupdate.html
World population clock: http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop Internet Traffic Report: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/main.htm Broadband tweaks: http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks
<a href=\'http://wikipedia.org\' target=\'_blank\'>wikipedia.org</a>, despite it's recent bad press, has more information about more topics than can be imagined. You can add to the online body of wisdom, just sign up. I just heard a scientist on NPR's Science Friday show (sorry, I don't remember his name) who found that the Wiki and Encyclopedia Britanica had about the same error rate, three small errors per article. Neither is definitive, both are a good place to start on most topics. And the Wiki is translated into many languages, over 850,000 in English. Take a look at the entry for <a href=\'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prius\' target=\'_blank\'>Prius</a> and see what you think.
Try http://www.stumbleupon.com You have to join, but its harmless. They provide a tool bar that will send you to random web sites that you would have never stumbled upon on your own! It's a real hoot when you don't have anything better to do. They are not raw or racy sites, but rather just generally a lot of fun! Warning: It can be additive. But I don't have to tell PriusChat folks that! :lol:
http://www.zabasearch.com Pretty good for finding addresses and telephone numbers and even DOBs. IIRC, IsrAmeriPrius posted a link to this site months ago. Not as good as it once was but still rather effective.
I use to recommend http://home.earthlink.net/~graham1/MyToyot...PriusFrames.htm to other wanting to see the inner workings of the Prius. Its dead now. Anyone know why or if its moved where. Is there an alternative?
Woot: one product each day for sale. fun writeups on the product. Sale starts at midnight CST, stops after product sold out or 24 hours. http://www.woot.com
www.airliners.net Hundreds of thousands of pictures of airplanes, but when you go to the forum, it's usually a slugfest between the Boeing v. Airbus crowd. It's sometimes funny to read how devoted they are to airplanes, "I won't fly an Airbus 320-400," or "The seat pitch on the Boeing 777-200 is awful!" [attachmentid=1455] [attachmentid=1455] [attachmentid=1456]
http://www.earthbrowser.com/ Not a web site, but a little program that is a ton of fun. Has a free trial and costs $20 if you like it. Patches together all sorts of interesting information about the world. - Three high resolution 500m base maps of the earth - Satellite overlays updated daily - Global weather forecasts for over 17,000 locations - Live hurricane and tropical storm tracking - A full year of weekly sea surface temperature animations - Satellite cloud animations are updated every 3 hours - Live earthquake map with magnitudes and links - Live ocean buoy data for over 250 buoys - Antarctic iceberg tracking - Daily fire hotspot display - Hundreds of dynamic webcams all over the globe - Add and save your own webcams - Political borders/Tectonic plate boundaries - Over 15,000 volcanoes with links to more information - Screen Saver - Times in cities of all world time zones - Links to facts about countries all over the world
I had heard recently that Graham had shut that one down. But his other, newer one is still active. Just put "Graham Prius" into your engine (kinda funny by itself).