That's right! Prius c was added to Fuelly | Share and Compare Your MPG today. Head on over to that site, sign up and input your fuel up data, then post your banner here! It's a great site to track your fuel consumption, cost and see how you stack up against other cars. Enjoy!
If you select 'add a vehicle' you will see Prius c in the list. Actually they labeled it 'Prius C' but that's good enough.
How many are signed up on fuelly? Only 1 coming up in browse list. maybe more signed up. Heard it takes 2 fillups to show. Log miles and post your fuelly banner over here
it takes at least 3 fill ups before it shows up in the list on the site.. i still am on my third tank.. but my banner is in my sig.
Good to see you getting 54.7 with the 16" wheels. I wonder how much they hurt us mpg wise. I am currently averaging 46.1 mpg, but we had lousy, rainy cold weather in the North East and it knocked me down the last couple of tanks. Plus, I drive a lot of hills on my commute.
I signed up a couple of days ago. Wondered why all the Prius c members weren't listed... good to know it takes 3 fill ups before you "register".
apologies if the question has an obvious answer but how do I get the fuelly stats in my signature like you guys?
From the Fuelly FAQ Fuelly FAQ How do I use a Fuelly forum signature/badge? A Fuelly forum signature (or badge) is an image that you can use to sign your posts at vehicle discussion forums. The instructions for adding a forum signature will be different for different forums, but here's a general outline: Go to the forum you participate in and see if they have a "signature" feature that allows images. If so, find out if the forum uses "BBCode" or "HTML" to include images. Once you know, go to Fuelly and click on your vehicle. On the vehicle detail page, click the yellow badge icon under Recent Fuel-Ups. It looks like this: On the "Fuelly Signature" page, choose the image you want. Copy either the HTML or BBCode for your image. Go to your forum and paste the code into the form for updating your signature. The main thing to keep in mind is that you need to copy a little bit of code from Fuelly and paste it into the right form at your forum. posted on August 20, 2010
I got 53.3mpg on the tank this time. I was doing more full throttle driving since im over 1k miles and want a good strong break in. I was thinking not to ad my last tank results to fuelly because it won't show what I am really getting under normal circumstances? I plan on driving with full throttle at some points but smart driving like I have been which got me 58.1mpg the tank before.
Finally did my first fillup after owning for 3-4 weeks. The vehicle had 7 miles on odometer upon receipt, so I conservatively subtracted 5 miles from the total to guestimate the distance traveled to originally fill up the tank by dealer...therefore, 556 miles driven, added 9.334 gallons (with a single topoff), which gives me an impressive calculated mpg of 59.6. That beats all 2010 Prius fillups over the course of 2 years. Driving rarely exceeded 50 mph (there was one round trip where I maxed out at 65 for several miles). I forgot to check calculated versus indicated, so I'll be sure to comment about that on the next fillup.
Nice MPG. Wow the fuel gauge must have been blinking for a while to use that deep into the 9.5g tank. I did even think you would have enough fuel to keep it running? It must have sucked the last amounts of fuel on the very bottom of the tank?
lol, must've (I don't tend to make a habit of that). I pushed it to the limit. The pump stopped initially around 9.1 gallons, I presume, before I did a topoff. I wonder who will be the first to 600 miles on a single tank (not sure I can pull it off).
First fill-up today, entered data on 349.9 miles driven (still had three bars). Purchased 6.948 gallons. Calculated mpg at 50.1, car indicated 51.9.