Those squirter bumps on the front bumper was also a reason. But yea that Solar roof is freakin saweet I am going to black vinyl the rest of the roof so all of it is glass black. It'll also be interesting to find out what voltage and current potential those solar panels have. I might be able to use them for some of my Amateur Radio portable operating projects by installing a accessory jack wired to the panels via a switch to go from car use to accessory jack use. Mike :tea:
Dealer called today and said my Prius should leave Japan on the 28th of this month. So hopefully a month or so and I will have it.
Bet your all nervious :dizzy: Just wait until the day it arrives at your dealer and your sitting at work all freakin day waiting to get the hell out of there to go get your car ound: I find out by the end of this week the fine details of my order. I hate waiting for anything but it will be worth it to have zero compromises on options & accessories. Get your camera ready for that day... Mike
Congrats on the news. I spoke with my dealer a couple of days ago and he is hopeful that he'll get the allocation notice in a few weeks, likely meaning a May delivery. He knows I have been anxiously waiting for almost 8 weeks and told me to hang in there a while longer.
Mike, My money is on you getting yours before I get mine, because they are so many more BPs coming in than Barcelona Reds. So the odds favor you. Just did a quick check on and there were 19 BP Fours with solar. And there were actually two newly listed at $200,000. Must be some real bling on those ones! - Sam
Hi Sam, I got a call & an email from my sales lady today. She told me my car's VIN # and emailed the spec sheet then said it will be here at the end of April You can imagine how happy I am today. Now the 4 week wait... Mike iPhone
Congrats on the news, Mike. For the record, I did play the mega lottery yesterday but didn't have the same success as in calling your situation.
Hey WEOH. Has yours left Japan? Mine was supposed to on the 28th but dealer says status hasn't changed since that date.
I played that lottery also but only matched one number. Now I have to dig in my pockets to pay for the new car As far as where my car is at right now, good question. I hope I will remember on Monday so I can ask my sales lady if she knows. I am so dang happy to hear it is coming in a couple weeks sooner. I suppose I will eventually get an exact date that it will arrive so I can camp out at the dealership and wait for the transport rig to arrive ound: Man I can't wait for that day. I have been renting Prii since 2009 and have, guessing, 20k miles behind the wheel of those rental Prii, and now I finally get to own one. Amazing. Mike :madgrin:
We supposedly have a Prius 5 allocated. From what I know, we only ordered the ground effects kit which will be installed at the port according to my dad.
Got the skinny on my car today. It left port in Japan March 29th. She's out floating in the pond somewhere now Now I am gonna run down that website that shows where specific commercial ships are located and see where it at. The online sites say it will arrive April 9th 7pm in Portland. Wonder if I will get it before the end of April then? That'd be saweet :thumb: Mike
That site says it is out of range (too far from land based radio communications). It left port on Thursday according to some other site I can't remember. The ship is called American Highway. Appropriate name for a cargo ship running to the US. It is registered in Panama. How do I find out what plant it was built in knowing the VIN number? I hope it was built in the non-squeak & rattle plant Mike
Yea watch the damn ship will catch fire and were both shit out of luck No doubt, bet your like me by now, where is it , where is it Mike
Hey WE0H our cars are both on American Highway!!!! Got the spec sheet printout from my dealer today and it shows on that ship. . So I guess the port will be doing two PPP packages ay the same time for us!!! I'm ready for it.