Just damn... I have a cracked tooth that let go last night... the doctor says come on in this morning... thank god he has a space available for me... hurts like all get out, didn't sleep worth a darn.
Good news... I got to keep the tooth... well, some of it... Hour and a half of root canal... then some grindage for a crown that will go on the 18th of this month... Almost $2000 by the time I got up out of the chair... and I have to wait 4 hours before I can munch something... which is almost an eternity with Jr... My face isn't rubbery anymore, but the dull ache in my jawbone is definitely there... Vicodin and penVK... I think I'll take tomorrow off too...
You Portuguese mofos are one sick bunch of folks Bra... but... then again... I did like the goat dish I had in Lisbon back in 77...
I thought I wasn't supposed to mix them... how about tequila instead of whiskey Bra... and what is the limit, I don't want to freak out the frau...
I actually am a Tequila guy, but last month on root canal number 1, got home, ate 2 Vic, skipped the shot, went to bed till noon the next day. It hurt like hell for two more days, I called the Dental office on Monday 9am and asked is still supposed to hurt this much 3 days later? They then started the antibiotics... took a week to get the jaw back to normal, then I had the shots! Really looking forward to number 2 on Thursday ...NOT!
I had an abscess once - it really hurt. Slipped on the freshly polished kitchen floor 3 weeks ago and broke my toes - that REALLY hurt. I'm in the process of getting my old mercury fillings replaced with new white ones, but hate the dentists so much I can only manage to do one tooth every 6 months, so I appreciate your apprehension. p.s. that sounded bad. I don't hate the dentists personally - she's really good. I just hate going.
An old friend's father signed up at age 19 to fight in WWI. During the induction physical they found some problem with one or two teeth so made the military's standard correction: remove every tooth in his head. He survived the war and lived deep into his eighties, hating his dentures every single day of his life. Reflect on that in the dentist's chair and the ordeal won't seem so bad after all.
Now that I'm reading this and Thursday approaching, I keep thinking about Dustin Hoffman in "Marathon Man" Now that had to hurt!!!
Why? The mercury in the old amalgam fillings is so tightly bound that you'll get far more mercury exposure from having them drilled out than you would by leaving them in for the rest of your life. Mercury is a common environmental contaminant. You could have every tooth filled with amalgam fillings, and your lifetime exposure to mercury would be UNDETECTABLE compared to what you get from the environment. Unless there's something wrong with the fillings, such as they've gotten loose or are falling out or cracking or something, just leave them in place. Both your mouth and your wallet will be happier. Any dentist that tells you there is a safety hazard from intact amalgam fillings in good condition is a quack, and just trying to lighten your wallet. The white fillings are also harder to install properly. You could find yourself with serious problems down the road if they are not installed exactly right and you replaced perfectly good fillings with bad ones.
Yeah, but with a mouthful of metal there's a small matter of voices in the head, sometimes on AM frequencies, and a high risk one or more of those voices will be Limbaugh's! Auugh!
I think its crystals that do that. I had a crystal radio once. It actually picked up some stations. But I've never gotten any radio reception from my metal filling.
Perfectly good is not the best description. The difference in the thermal expansion between a tooth and amalgam causes the tooth to fracture over time. I know since this has happened to quite a few of my molars. One of the reasons for the latest fillings to be better matched to the thermal expansion rates of the tooth.