Guzzlers having large gas tanks are costing more and more to re-fuel: 22 SUVs and trucks that cost more than $100 to fill up - Yahoo! Autos Anybody got one of the listed vehicles? About 60% of U.S. top sellers are on the list, sadly enough.
I don't. But I won't lie, if I could be given a full size loaded Tahoe, I'd happily pay for the gas for it--as long as no car payment. We're doing 18k/year on our Prius. Our second car, which we do maybe 60% as many miles on as the Prius, averages low 20's MPG. Not great, but could be worse. I filled it up last week at $69, though, which is pretty disgusting considering the Prius fills up at half that (and goes further on a fill). I bought it with the consideration it would be my last "gas guzzler" (gets low 20's mpg on average), depending on how fuel prices pan out over the next few years.
Yep. Dodge 3500 4WD diesel. It isn't specifically on the list though close enough. It gets filled up every couple of months and for it's capability (17K towing capacity), I'm more than satisfied with the mileage. Winter 17, summer 20. For my short 5 mile commute, it's by foot, bicycle, bus or motorcycle very rarely do I take the truck. During the winter, it gets used a couple of times per week more often in the summer.
I'll bet those foot trips weren't during winter. Well, our Montana 'guzzler' is the Lexus hybrid SUV ... but its epa is about 30mpg ... though my better half can EASILY drag it down to 25mpg. Still - winter driving ... studs ... short trips ... not too shabby. Now her prior car - the Range Rover - it didn't make the $100 tank full list, although it was doing $100 tank fills back in 2005. Maybe it isn't/wasn't popular enough to be considered. .
...well the only reason my mini-van is not on the list is because the tank only holds ~19-gal and also EPA combined MPG is not really 20 like they said it was. But I do not use it too much.