South Carolina may add even more Tax break in 06 by giving a State Tax Credit in addition to the Federal $3150.00 Tax Credit.
Your post title is misleading. You have lumped together the SC credit of $630 with the federal credit of ~$3150. This is likely to confuse some readers of this post.
CO gives a tax credit of $3434 for an '05 Prius. Looks like here in CO the credits will be offered through 2011. Denver's air is pretty nasty so I can see why the state's gung ho on hybrids.
Read the article. Looks like another moron writing about subjects he is unaware of. According to the author, there is a 30yr payback if I buy the Prius. Gee... I wonder what the payback is if I bought a used Gremlin??? So many schmucks out there!!!
I emailed my Kansas state representative to ask why we don't have a hybrid tax credit here and this is what she said: "Nobody has introduced and pushed the idea in Kansas. Every tax credit means shifting costs to someone else. If there was a ground swell of support it might happen."
and we had to move to NORTH carolina why??? should have gotten my directionals straight and headed to SC. at least they have a lottery in case i don't qualify for the tax credit :lol:
Janet, Actually, I just got done fighting with the Kansas Department of Revenue over the Alternative Fuel Tax Credit (form K-62). By definition of the statute, full hybrids like the Prius qualify for the credit as an alternative fuel vehicle - the state defines things differently than the feds. Original topic post here. The final determination on the appeal was issued this week: Somehow the 2004 Prius was certified for the credit, but the 2005 model year was not, perhaps due to oversight. Folks could have the same problem with the 2006 model as well; there seems to be a disconnect within the system between the people that review the forms and the people that understand the statutory requirements of the credit. I would also suspect the legislature will review the requirements of the credit during the next legislative year. The statute was written before hybrids existed, or at least before they were mass produced, and they probably didn't set aside enough funds to account for all of the new hybrid owners in the state.
Thanks, Brandon. I have some reason to hope now, at least. Guess I will get ready to fight it out with the tax people, too. I was beginning to wonder if there were very many Prius owners in Kansas, guess there are a few of you out there. I keep looking for them on the highway and never see any.
There are quite a few here in Manhattan, including several of the Generation 1 models, and I know of at least one in Lawrence. I still haven't met the Gen. 1 owner whose personalized plate says, "50 MPG." We're out there, though.
Hehehe - my 06 Prius just got a little cheaper (if this passes). Believe me, it's worthwhile for you to be going to Duke instead of some SC college