The car I'm negotiating on has about 110 miles on it. Should I kick a stink about it? I'm concerned who's driven those 110+ miles, especially during the break-in period, etc. Mind you, I am getting over $3000 off MSRP. Just wondering if there is cause for concern or am I just being overly dramatic. Thanks
Demo miles correct? Mine had 19 on it. 8 of which I put in during the demo. Don't think anyone abused it during the demo rides with the saleman in the car.
I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes they actually let someone take it home thinking that will close the sale, and things just don't work out. Besides, it looks like you got a decent deal. iPad ?
Mine had 50 on it. My previous had ~220 miles, thanks to long distance dealer exchange coupled with long distance delivery. I wouldn't worry. - Chris
Mine had about 17 on it and we put another 5-10ish miles during our test drive. I drove my car off the lot at 28 miles. Now it has 142 miles 3 days later.
Some cars get traded (and driven) between dealers. One I was looking at had 250 miles on it due to this. I would have bought it if it had the correct interior color.
Mine had 12 miles on it. There was one more car on the lot in the trim level and color that I wanted and I told the sales person that I will take the one with least miles, but when we tried to turn that car on it was completely dead. Didn't want to deal with that mess so took the first one. If you don't have an option just take it.
Mine had 123 miles on it because they had to trade with a dealer in the next town over. I was OK with it, because it meant that I got the car I wanted.
Ours had *1* mile when we first saw it and 7 when we started the drive home. The car had just come off the truck, which was still there when we picked it out.
Mine had 123 miles on it because The color we wnated wasn't available at our dealer and he arranged a swap with another dealer. That means that my dealer had to take a Prius off his lot and drive it to another dealer and then swap cars and drive the other one back. Both cars end up with a little mileage on them. Don't worry about it!
Our 2009 had 26 miles on it. We also saved over $3k. But, when we went to sign papers, we were informed that it was technically a "used" car because it had been previously registered. The dealer offered a 3 day no questions asked return policy and the first buyer brought it back becasue they wanted a different color. So, we took it anyway. It wasn't until tax time that we learned we were jyped out of the tax deduction the govt offered for hybrids in 2009. Since ours was used (even with 26 miles), no tax break for us. Do your homework and make the deal if it makes sense. Tom G.
Mine had 300 miles on it and it was a dealer trade, but the dealer was only about 25 miles away. I hesitated briefly, but it was the exact car I wanted, below sticker and at a local dealer. On the plus side, I figured by being a "frequent" demo, the car 12v battery was never run down - as it might if it sat on a dealer showroom floor. As best as I can tell it was never "jumped".
Mine had 17 miles on it and I also got 3k off sticker. Ask for more of a discount or free accessories.