Finally got the MSO and got Georgia plates, along with the privilege of paying sales tax hwell: Since GA is a rear tag only state, in removing the front license plate frame, i noticed a small gouge under each nutplate: i have ordered bumper plugs from to cover the screw holes. just spoke with the dealer out of state and they will take care of the gouges from the nutplate. If you're in a state that requires 2 license tags, no big deal. but if you're in a one tag state, then if the dealer can apply a layer of foam tape of some sort between nutplate on frame and bumper, then this defect can be prevented.
At the risk of "Big Government"; never understood why some states are allowed to have just rear plates - coming from states that require both....
I wonder if there are any states that will give tickets to out of state drivers who are from the states with only back plates.
Because the states want to have both plate for the red light camera easier to identify the vehicles. Only one camera is needed to catch the front plate and the driver.
Was it worse than this? Some one at my dealer mounted the paper dealer tag and frame with screws that were about inch and a half long, thus making a a second set of holes in my bumper, they went right through the bracket. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Hey, there's a lot of things that Georgia does that is a little different; call it "States Rights" or some such. I've traveled 49 states and Canada with GA plates in various vehicles over the years, and have never had a problem with only one plate. Only a problem with excessive speed a time or two. The tollbooth in Atlanta is set up to get the rear plate for drive-offs. Maybe i'll just leave the front frame on and get an airbrush Plug-in tag from the next county fair......
These are examples of why I cringe at the thought of having a front plate put on my car. Why Toyota didn't allow for an under-mount frame I don't understand. I hope I can get First Team Toyota to co-operate on this issue. I dont want some over zealous bozo with a power screwdriver ruining the front bumper on my new $32,000 car.
Red herring on your end.... VA and MD at least have required front plates since I was in HS back in the mid 70's... Try again... If you obey the law, then you have little to worry about....
At the risk at taking this thread down a road to to Freddie's Forums... State rights only go so far in a uniform union.... Why should any state limit the right of of anyone to "marry"? Or any state to require front license plates? Unlike the "marriage issue", front plates could be considered a safety issue for the common good. But then again the powers that be made the mid-stop lite a standard... And in 2013 a back-up camera....
I emailed and called several times to the dealer, telling him to make a note of not drilling any holes in our front bumper. It's about the only thing they got right. The SM said they were 2 minutes away from the tech drilling the holes and mounting the front plate bracket, which is unneeded in NC. More details about our purchase later after the tag and title show up.:spy:
It sucks but we are required to have a front plate here, the bracket covers it all up only I know it is there. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Didn't the Aston Martin DB5 have a changing license plate? --- I am here:
Looks like my dealer screwed up on the front plate bracket and put two holes close together on one side, luckily didn't strip that side out, with one on the other. Only know about it because I took it off for the clear bra install. Does anybody know why this plastic bracket is wider (as in approx 2" wider than the standard plate) than what was on the 2010? Is this just a PIP deal or are all the 2012s the same?
Toyota cheaped out with the newer bracket. The reason it is slightly larger than the older bracket is because it is designed to also fit the Japanese plates which are metric in size and slightly larger than the std USA size. BMW has been using the one size fits all for at least eight years on their front plates. Most BMW dealers will leave the bumper cover untouched unless you request the bracket to be installed. Mercedes dealers have started putting the brackets on all new cars since they were sued by an owner that got a fix-it ticket for a missing front plate back in 2007. On my BMW I used one of these sets to avoid drilling my bumper cover: The 'NO HOLES' License Plate Bracket (NHLPB) does not require you to drill into your front bumper. Instead, it utilizes a custom machined stud that screws into the towhook receptacle. All parts are made from Stainless Steel to ensure no rust. The mounting hardware utilizes nylock nuts or lock washers which will not loosen from vibration. The plate attachment screws are button head socket cap screws for a nice clean look. The large metal plate is there so you can mount the license on the plate instead of directly on the bracket and adjust where you want the top edge of the plate to be relative to the top of the mounting stud on the tow hook socket. This is sold at the GoMiniGo web page. They do not currently make anything for the Prius but since they supply kits for the Yaris it should be no problem for them to make a kit for the Prius if there is enough demand for such an item. I have used their adaptor kits on both my BMW and Mercedes and their stuff is of the highest quality.
Thanks. I had a feeling this new bracket had something to do with maximizing profit, just knew it wasn't wide enough for a european plate. Now if they can just get the dealers to either use the pre-marked holes, not screw up, or just wait and see if the customer wants them to screw up the bumper... ;-) Interesting mounting product, too late for me.
I live in NE (2 plate state) and have just used 1 plate for many years and have never had any sort of trouble.
I've been running my Ford hybrid for 5 years without a front plate without issue, but should it ever get pulled over for any other reason I expect to get a fix-it ticket. I know a lot of people would disagree, and for valid reasons, but I think the manufacturers should just design the front facias/bumpers with integrated plate areas so they would at least look better and be more aerodynamic than this bolted on hack-fest.