I know, but the thing is that once you play with what you have the appetite just grows. I have that 2.8 macro, it's nice.
Fantastic. The D200 is on my wishlist (upgrade from the D100). Have fun with the fisheye. :blink: Sounds like a real hoot to use! Be sure to give us more of your impressions, and maybe post some pictures.
...willing to learn to use it well..... Couldn't agree more. In photography, this same axiom applies....."It's the violinist that makes the music, not the violin" This is kinda the last type of thread I expected to see here. But really, your quote could also applies to a willingness to learn to drive the Pruis for maximum efficiency! :lol:
Welcome. You've come to the right place if you are looking for folks who's prime goal is to thoroughly understand & dominate technology.
I posted 2 very raw snaps you can look at...don't get your expectations too high, these were quickies at high noon shot in JPG - normal (love being able to shoot in RAW + my choice of JPG quality!). http://www.pbase.com/efusco/image/53612442 http://www.pbase.com/efusco/image/53612641 note: the in-camera rotation didn't hold at pbase and I didn't want to degrade the quality by using the pbase rotation tool....you can download the original size image for home viewing and rotation if you like.
I like raw too, but they are so big. I have the Canon 20D and really like the camera. I just need to learn to use it correctly and learn how to use Photoshop CS2 The next thing is to get a good zoom. the one I have in mind in 1600+ (that is more than the camera body ) Might look into a class at the local CC The car damage picture I took was with that camera at the lowest res to post on PC. the hi-res jpg was 4+ meg big.
I have this lens, really like it, fun walking around with lens. With this lens you can take some fantastic closeups and wide angle shots. Image quality could not be better. If you are doing mainly point and shoot type pictures, the 17-85mm is a great choice for an all purpose lens. I also have the Canon Zoom Telephoto EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM. It is a couple of inches longer, a little heavier and I really need to steady it on a tripod when I use it. It costs about the same as the other lens and you can really zoom in on your subject, but wide angle shots are not possible with this lens.
I did not mean to imply that Vivatar or other lenses were "bad" just that they might not be as good as the very best OEM lenses. I have been a Canon person for many years but Nikon is good as well. The generics are less expensive and when you are say a college student it may be the best you can afford to get the focal length you need for a particular task. My dad was a Pentax person and I still have his old Spotmatic. I also have my old Canon TL from college works well. My daughter has my old FX. I have had both Canon and other lenses over the years, and at this point I prefer the Canon lenses. I am not sure that one OEM is over all better than another over the long term and they are constantly leap froging each other and I looked at the D200 on the way home and it is a nice camera and has a great feel. The thing I don't like about a lot of digitals is they feel too light and not substantial.
Thanks for the pics. Nice grab shots. Looks like a nice sharp lens. Boy are you going to have a lot fun with that one. The RAW+jpg is one of the features that I really like too. Others are the mirror lockup and the solid build of the camera ( I used an F100 before going digital, and it was built like a tank. Heard the D200 is similar). Mmmmm. Maybe I can make a case for a new camera body for our next trip!
Thanks. I agree that the build feels very nice. I'd been planning on a D2X as the D70 I have is a clear step down from my F5 and FM2n film bodies. But the D200 at $3000 less than the D2X was a very easy decision. Only snobbishness keeps me desiring a D2x, it's way more camera than I need for 99% of the work I do....I'd love that CAM2000 AF, but I can live without.
You should look into ebay or bhphotovideo.com for used lenses. It gets a little complicated with Canon. Some of their older lenses will not work on newer camera bodies. That's why I've always stayed with Nikon, if you find a 50 year old Nikon lens, it will almost certainly fit on even the newest cameras. Canon on the other hand, has changed their mounts, so the old FD lenses won't work on the EOS...a shame, as they were good lenses. We have an N65, FM2n, and N80. We , well I'm still in a debate as to whether we need a digital SLR or just a small digital camera...
OK. You've got me and my servers glued to ebay now for good lenses. There are a couple of $1000+ L lenses that have attracted my eye and look to be within grasp as resales. As for my computer hacking, In my spare time I write programs that scan internet sites and map to ambient information devices (http://www.ambientdevices.com, http//www.ambientmining.com). I have short fame in wired magazine for doing this, but now have written some scripts to monitor ebay lens prices for what I am looking for... I want a red orb before Christmas....
By the way, I went into Frey's Electroncs (yes there is one (and only one) in Georgia) and as was able to grab onto the the Canon 20D model for a bit. The body was substantially more managable. New lenses and bodies are addictive. I started to covet the 20D a little even after having my XT a few weeks. Someone here or elsewhere described it the whole lens/body experience as heroin, and I have to agree. I can only imagine what Evan F is going though with the new D200 in his hands.
I am a commercial advertising photographer for years and have nothing but Nikon. I got a D-100 when it came out and upgraded to a D200 and D2x late last year. The D200 is lighter and has many of the D2x features at a $2000 savings. It has become my principle camera. I have only one non-nikon lens, a Sigma 15-30 zoom that's wonderful. You can view many of the shots at: http://members.cox.net/multi/ Professionals and amateurs can take advantage of the features of the D200 and the wide assortment of lenses available. I enjoy shooting my 04 & 06 Prius and am taking trip across the US starting in May. I will post many of the shots during the trip. Keep driving and keep shooting.