Or the lack thereof! Drove around for an hour or two today on my C3 and my back is killing me! Anyone else feeling the same and found a good cushion to use for long distances? I'll be driving out to Vegas in a few days so I really hope I can find something comfortable soon!
Have you tried adjusting the seat back to different angles to see if it helps? I find it normally takes me awhile to get used to any new car seat, but with the c, I've not had that problem.
Each time I changed my vehicules, I feel the same way. After a couple of months, it will be just fine.
If, after trying to acclimate yourself to the seat, you wish something more: Universal Aftermarket Car Lumbar Support kits I sat in and drove a c and found the seat to have more lumbar support that my previous two vehicles. I appreciate a lot of support and will probably try one of these units. I slid one of the pump operated bladders behind an aftermarket seat cover on a Celica I used to have which had particularly poor support. Worked wonders for long trips.
i've had no problems.. and besides one or a few other people, i'm probably one of the few that have logged the most miles on the car since I've owned it. then again, i don't really have much back problems to begin with... but fiddle with your seat adjustment.. if you really need to buy a cushion or something, there's quite a few to choose from.
Hmmm, I'll play around with the seats some more... and thanks for the link to the aftermarket products!! My lower back is royally screwed up from working in front of a computer all day so I'm kinda sensitive to this stuff!
I'm waiting for my C to come in at the dealer. Because I have my dog in the car most of the time I ordered seat covers from Wet Okele. One of the options (for one or both seats) is additional lumbar support. I ordered the lumbar support for the drivers seat. Wet Okele called me to confirm that the covers were for the Prius C which has different seat dimensions that the regular prius.
Went to the Wer Okeele website - are the seat covers you ordered the Prius ones? I didn't see an option for 'c'. Do I just put in into the model field and they will know what I want?
I mentioned in the comments/special instructions in the Wet Okele order form section that it was a Prius c and for them to call me if they could not manufacture the covers. They called me to confirm it was indeed a Prius c and told me that they had just received the actual dimensions for the c seats a few days prior