I have a 2012 prius G3 with Nav. My question is which Nav bypass kit to go with? PC kit, sonicview or something else? What is the dis/advantages to a timer bypass kit and a one without one? Any help appreciated
I'm also curious to this question. Any negatives to using this product as the stock configuration of the stock nav unit just plain sucks. bumpy...
From a post in Gen III 2010+ Prius Fuel Economy, Quote: Originally Posted by oma1340 How were you able to fix the navigation so it works in motion? That would be wonderful.....Please share!! I have a 2011. I used a BeatSonic , but I see that it might not work on the 2012. Prestigious Society also sell a bypass that looks like it is compatable with the 2012 with both nav units, but it almost twice the money of the BeatSonic unit. The BeatSonic unit is "plug-n-play", I'm not sure about the Prestigious Society unit. There is also a member here that sells a bypass ( I think it's in the acc shop here ). This is not a "plug-n-play". cproaudio has this thread in mods, link
Below is a post from the thread that dragonfinder1 linked to above. If you want to get cproaudio's one and you have any questions PM cproaudio and he will help you out.
The BeatSonic's 2010-2011 kit ($150) overrides the speedlock. The 2012 kit ($135) only allows DVD playback on 7" touch screens. Their 2012 kit will not work on 2012 with 6.1" screen according to their product page. Prestigious Society kits are over priced at $289.99 for 2010-2011 and $309.99 for 2012. Both companies are plug and play. The kits from both companies overrides the speed lockout so the touch screen works like you're at a complete stop. Both kits also switch the parking brake so units with DVD playback are also be enabled while driving. Both kits when activated, pause the map position. Both kits are made by ODM factories so they look industrially made. The override kit on PC Shop works the same way except it's not plug and play. The plugs always change from year to year. The kit looks like install shop made. I've designed it to be as install friendly as possible. There are hi res pictures in the FAQ post. If you buy the bypass on Prius Chat Shop, you're supporting Danny and the Prius Chat forum so he can pay for the server so the site doesn't go down. You're also supporting me for the countless hours I spent researching and experimenting with the VSS wires and posting my findings on this forum. There's no asking for donations in this forum like other forums so the next best thing is to buy the override on PC Shop. When you do, it's like you made a donation to me and to the forum and you get a speedlock bypass out of it. I just installed an override kit in a 2012 Prius Five and added the instruction in the FAQ.