I was glad I found this site because I think I'm driving my girlfriend crazy with all my mpg reports and car talk since getting my C Lol!! :rockon:
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Haha my dad said I should make a video and write a book I talked so much and my GF already knows I love to talk and talk about everything. Im sorry but when I see 60+ MPG and how im trying to keep it all going is a miracle! An act of god I tell you!
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I drive my GF nuts.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Hahaha C-Pilot, I hear ya! I even found a guy on here from my hometown and we got together today and bonded over mpg's and car talk Lol!! He has the Habenero which looks pretty awesome ( looks very orange in person ). I called it " The Great Pumpkin " haha!
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Me to haha, now I purposely tell her my mpg's after every drive
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Make her listen to the podcast I just posted about. You'll be single in no time!
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I'm driving my wife crazy too! She doesn't get why I'm so happy now. My old vehicle was a Tundra V8 that got 16 mpg. The last time I filled it up I spent $83. I topped off the 1/2 tank in the C for $20. Never going back!
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius My husband and I were just discussing this last night. We are both equally obsessed with the MPG's but know that if one of us wasn't, we would drive the other nuts. We talk about, and take pictures of the MPG's all the time. It is just so addicting to try to get better and better gas mileage.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius HAHAHA Finally, people who relate! Speaking of pictures, does anybody notice it's hard to get clear photos of the TFT screen if you're not literally up close? (photos being taken w/ iphone 4) anybody have tips?
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius LOL, I wonder why this topic has never been raised here before. My brother bought my 2009. Since then, we speak and email several times per week about mpgs and such. My wife is actually interested in mpg talk (I think; maybe she's just humoring me) and is generally amused by my eco driving habits (I drive like an old man now and coast a lot).
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I have a competition with a friend, and we take pics after every trip. They have a regular prius and I have the C, I went to a nearby grocery store (maybe 2-3 miles away only) and went no more than 35mph and pulse and glided as much as I could, got 94 mpg. It was amazing. Maybe all along those old fart drivers have had something up their sleeves to save gas money!
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Doesn't the iphone have a really good zoom? My camera phone stinks but with my zoom I seem to be getting pretty good pictures. I have to sturdy my wrist on the dash so it isn't shaky.
Just wanted to follow up... I have now converted my wife to absolutely loving the C, instead of our Camry being the bigger family car we are trading it in for a V lol. My wife wants the C now!!! HAHAHA SUCCESS
My wife's complained about me trying to drive her crazy for years, long before we had a Prius. My usual reply is "No. If I were trying, you'd be there by now."
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius My wife calls it my "Go, Go, Gadget!" car. She drives a company Xterra (they provide gas) that gets 18 MPG, and has no modern features my 1989 Corolla didn't have.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius After talking to my wife about the fuel savings of the car over and over again she finally asked to use it when she goes out of town for business. Success! The awesomeness of the C is starting to erode her negative view of my purchase.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius Camera: It’s the back ground out of the windshield, which may usually be light. Autofocus looks for contrasting edges. So the dash hood edge is the focus point. You can touch the spot on the phone camera screen where the car screen shows up and the autofocus may refocus to sharpen the results. The best way is always to rest the phone on the dash so no other lights other that the screen is available for focusing. MPG Bragging: For me it’s at my work briefing. 78.8 Today From 1400 FT MSL to 0 FT MSL 38.1 Miles
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I drive DH crazy by talking about PriusCHAT all the time.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I want to meet the couple where prius-talk has supplanted pillow-talk.
Re: Anyone else driving their significant other crazy with mpg and car talk since getting you Prius I know better than to talk off my girls ear. But I did jump for joy for the first couple days, and now I just look out the window 50 times a day and say.. WOW, look at that beaut! It is banging! Even when I am holding my baby 10 month girl, I tell her, isnt it nice? It is soo cute! Maybe in 15 years you can be driving it! I get a laugh...and then some. Whenever anyone asks about it, I just start going on and have to stop myself from acting legally insane. I now just address the basics and the MPG My girl is now the owner of my old 2010 Scion xB RS and she is loving it. But... give it a few more weeks and we are trading it in for a Prius V, third or possibly camry hybrid, but they are not around our neck of the woods for some reason.