I was at the gas station the other day and, in my horror at the price at the pump, I was staring at the pump and accidentally over-filled my tank. Just as I was noticing this, the guy behind me thought he would do me a favor and let me know I was over-filling and he honked at me. So, naturally, I jammed the hose deep into the filler hole in my car and promptly poured gas all over the car and me at the same time. Anyway, I was on my way home from the gas station when the red triangle of death flashed on and off quickly about 3 times in the 20 min drive home, but the engine didn't stop, and the screen just flashed the word, "Problem", but no icon for what system was having a problem. I assumed I hadn't put the cap on correctly, as I've had this happen in the past, so I when I got home I unscrewed it and put it back on again. This was repeated several times over the next few days. I finally looked into the filler hole and something appeared to be missing. I checked my friend's 2005 Prius yesterday and, indeed, there is a piece missing. Clearly, when I jammed the nozzle into the filler hole, a part of the car came out with it, but I never noticed it as it never fell on the ground. I called the gas station (a Costco) and they looked through their lost and found, but it wasn't there. I don't know what the part is called that I need, so here are pictures of my filler hole and my friend's filler hole so you can see what is missing. It looks like a part that slips in and turns to lock it in. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Has anyone ever had this happen or heard of it happening? If so, and it's something I can replace myself (as it appears to be), I'd rather do it myself than go to a dealer. Is this going to cost me an arm and a leg? My filler hole missing the ring: My friend's 2005 filler hole with ring:
It has been a week. I would think others would have a hard time pumping with this thing jammed on the end. Might be worth a look, though.
Your missing the diesel safety orifice. Its a sized orifice designed to not allow you to insert diesel nozzles which are bigger than regular gas nozzles with the extra added rubber bushing to enhance vapor recovery. All cars have them. Your throwing CEL's because you probably soaked the vapor recovery system which in most cases destroys it. If the CEL's continue go to the dealer and pay there $125 inspection fee and have them pull the codes. Make sure you get every code and post back here. Have them check for TSB's also. BTW, its very very easy to never overfill your car again. Just vent the tank for a few minutes before you fill up. Fill on slow till first click. On first click hang it up. Never ever top off. Becasue it can get very expensive.
Can I pull the codes myself? Autozone? As I said before, the computer screen only says "Problem", nothing else, no system icon noted. FYI, my pips are going down in conjunction with the miles I've put on this tank.
i did this on my last fill up and everything is fine. the only thing is, i have driven 550 miles and i'm still showing 4 pips. i'm wondering if i damaged the fuel gauge sender float or whatever is in the tank. did you go back to the pump to see if it was still on the filler?
Bisco, There is a method you can use to reset the fuel gauge: It sometimes takes a couple of tries to get it going in the right pattern of pushes. Park on a very level surface, Ready Mode, make sure Odometer reading is showing, then power off. Hold down the Odo/Trip button while going to IGN ON (foot off brake, not in Ready Mode!). Release/press the Odo/Trip button 3 times in 5 seconds. Should be holding the button in at this point. You will see 6 numbers in a row. Release and press again and you will see a set of 5 numbers. After the 3rd digit shows "1", release the button and Odometer should be back to normal. Power down. Source(s): Resetting the fuel gauge--the full text: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowledge-ba… Found by a quick Google search JeffD
thanks jeff! i'm going to refill and see what it does. if it looks off, i'll give this a try and let you know.
I always like when these little tips & tricks pop up! It now resides in my "Big Book of Prius" info! Thanks!
You can buy these, the plate and rubber seal, at a dealership for the grand total of about $5.75 out the door. It may be a challenge to make it seat, since it is a twist lock with nothing to use as leverage, so grab a wood chisel or something like it that will fit into the notches, so that you can twist it into place. That is the cheap part. Are you still getting the red triangle? That might be a lot more expensive.
I'm getting the red triangle fewer times each time I drive. Filled up last night and only got it once in 20+ miles. Didn't get it in all the typical places...like stopping at the bottom of fairly steep hills or sharp turns. What is the name of the part to order it?
Red triangle update: 2 days of driving and no triangle. Drove during the day, at night, hot weather (almost 90 here in LA a few days ago), cold evening, in the foothills (steep) and flatlands....no triangle. Has it "healed" itself?
Although the idiot lights are gone the codes are still set. A ScanGauge may be able to clear at least some of them. Things probably just needed to dry out or vent. If the car's running fine I wouldn't worry about it. You'll know you have a real problem when the car won't move.
looks like you escaped some big repair bills for overfill-related damage! whew! i'm sure you can get along fine without the extra ring unless you've caught yourself trying to fill up with diesel in the past.
Thanks, Galaxee! The last time I accidentally tried to fill up with diesel was, hmm...never! I've learned my lesson on pushing the tank when filling up, I think you are dead on when you said I escaped some big repair bills! WHEW.