REALLY loving that Summer Rain color, and my dealer says they can bring it out from Reno, NV (to San Diego, CA) for only $1,000 --- uhhh really??? That seems steep. I really want it. But at an extra $1k? Uff. Maybe I'll have him go back to the drawing board to find me one in Blue Streak.
And BTW, it would only cost $53.30 for someone to DRIVE my new Prius c down for me. ($4.19/gal, 636 mi from Reno to San Diego getting 50mpg) Maybe I should look at flights to Reno!
that's bad. around here, dealers will trailer in your car from another dealer as part of the deal. so many ladies on here with stories about dealers hitting them up with ridiculous deals, its getting pretty disgusting in my opinion.
Reno marks there cars up $2000 by putting door guards and pinstriping on ever car. better caLL first and negotiate price, but most important, see if its still there. I can probably get the car and avoid the $2000 and have the car delivered to the Sacramento airport, saves you about 2 hours. [auburn toyota]
Which dealership in SD? I bought mine from Mossy, but they didn't have Summer Rain. But I hear Toyota of Escondido does. Also, did you check with Toyota of Poway?
Not a good deal. Order the car the way you want, in the color you want and wait a bit. It will be built in Japan, shipped to the west coast and right over to your dealership for the same price we all get hit for shipping. Some dealers just move it up to the totally ridiculous level.
Order through what, Toyota's own website? My local dealer only mentioned the option of retrieving a vehicle from another dealer or by requisitioning it from a shipment already en route.
don't do that. $1000 is way too much. lol call the dealer of Reno and purchase the vehicle if it is still here. then flight over there and drive it back.
Given the C's recent arrival many dealers may be greedy due to demand. Within a month or so the demand may slack off and they'll be happier to do what you want. Meanwhile, just order what you want and wait for the car to arrive. If you don't get what you want at a dealer, find another!
Usually it's free, but when it's far away 5hrs or more the dealer typically charges $100 because you have to pay one of their guys in Reno to drive it up. Food for thought, when I bought my Audi TT I got it from a dealer in Colorado and had it trucked to me for $1000. It took 3-4 days.
They were going to charge me $450 to deliver my c but I got that charge taken off. Negotiate, negotiate! I understand the car is in high demand but really YOU are the customer in a still struggling economy. PS, I am a lady too but went in well armed for the negotiating process after getting burned from my 1st experience eleven years ago. Tips: Take notes of every number they throw at you and bring a calculator! Also keep the price you really want to spend to yourself until they hit within your sweet spot. Don't let them talk about monthly payments, I just said "I am more concerned with the final overall price" and they didn't pester me with monthly payments after that. My boyfriend was with me the entire time but never said a word. He was actually surprised at how the male Finance Manager was trying the "disappointed Daddy" on me. Little do they know I have a very huge anti-authoritarian streak so that stuff doesn't work. I hope that doesn't sound condescending. I wanted it to be helpful! It is unfortunate that women are targets for getting ripped off in these situations but it's sometimes true. Just go in knowing everything about the car and what you want to spend .