well my Prius C just hit the 1000 mile marker and I am averaging 56 MPG, I'm very happy with these results. Anybody else close to the 1k mark with their Prius C?
That display is a bit misleading. "From Start" is only since the last time you started the car, so your 2.1-mile trip elicited approximately 56 mpg. The 1000-mile value is likely different (and probably lower unfortunately).
Does the car display total average mpg anywhere? Too many displays to keep track of for this new Prius owner
Nope, as far as I can tell (haven't read the entire manual yet ). You simply have to set either trip A or B and leave it alone to track MPG over the long-term (aside from doing the calculations and getting the most accurate value).
Yes, back to the original question. I went over 1000 miles this week as well. My overall average is closer to 48 mpg. Cold weather, wind and rain have ruined my 3rd tank of gas. Not to mention the tank of E10 gas.
Yeah, unfortunately it displays the information in a misleading way. The GenIII does a little better job of that.
yes, I can see what your saying, I been keeping tabs on my mileage and I'm getting 52 to 55 mpg, so its kinda strange to see a 56 mpg in there as my overall. it would be nice if you could get a mpg from mile 0 on the odometer also, does anybody know why you don't get 10th's of a mile on the odometer, I know they are on the trip's
When they were testing the Prius in sunny, dry 60 plus degree weather it was probably easy to get over 50 mpg
When they were testing the Prius C in warm sunny, dry weather, where temps were in the 60's in sunny southern California it was easy to get 50 mpg. But in the real Prius world, if its a Prius C or a regular Prius, like we have, when the weathers cold, rain, wind, rain soaked roads, you will probably not get over 50 mpg true and calculated. Our Prius is getting an average of 48.5 calculated and an indicated of about 51.5 mpg. Warm summer with dry roads its easy to get over 50 mpg calculated which we get during the summer. Remember don't rely on your computer read out for MPG, it is going to be over reading, ours is off 3 - 3.5 mpg since new and now we have nearly 70,000 miles and it is still off the same amount.