I have reviewed on Prius Chat and elsewhere what various Prius owners are having to contend with (or be totally content with) in the back of their cars but have yet to find a Toyota-made, purpose-built CARGO MAT that is manufactured by the company that would perfectly fit the bill. It's stupid to be honest. All I want is for Toyota to provide me with a CARGO MAT that fits like a glove, is NOT generic and that requires trimming that provides a lip to capture any and all liquids that will fit beautifully in my brand new Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon). I am fed up to the back teeth asking and imploring the Toyota dealer to provide a crucial piece of equipment that for me is essential. If anyone has come across a Toyota dealership that can be bothered to offer such a beast, I'm all ears. As it is, I am nothing short of p!ssed off with this glaring omission from what should be a standard accessory for the v. Plenty of views but no ideas, eh?
Not from Toyota but... 2012 Toyota Prius v Cargo Liner, Cargo Mat, Trunk Liner, Cargo Liner Mat, Rear Cargo Mat, Trunk Tray; Juicedhybrid.com
I agree this was a poor choice. However in an age of lowest possible price some choices I'm sure had to be made to get to a competitive price point. Every company does it and doesn't always make the right ones. Husky liners are a good product that I've had in my vehicles (4 now) since 97. I haven't bought these for my v yet but likely will. I find the OEM all weather mats lacking for harsh winter weather. All we can do as consumers is offer our suggestions and if ignored vote with our wallets. W
The Husky Liner mat itsn't Toyota made but it's custom made for the V and doesn't require any cutting. I've got one and can vouch that the fit is as good as any OEM mat I've used. Husky Liners® - Floor Liners | Floor Mats | Car Floor Mats | Cargo Liners | Mud Flaps | Huskyliners.com
I've gone for the Husky which the dealership will cover as it was part of the deal. I do appreciate the constructive comments, I really do! :thumb: BUT the reality is if Toyota fail to comprehend the needs of potential buyers where cold weather poses huge problems trying to keep carpets in the best shape possible, then that is a BIG issue. I mean no disrespect to Toyota because I absolutely adore my new car but to me, something as simple as a cargo mat should be a given.
I used the cargo liner all weather (rimmed) generic mat from my 07 Prius in my new 2012...works fine.
+1 Just purchased Husky "WeatherBeater" cargo liner for my Prius V and concur that it's as good as OEM.
I was just about to post about this. I shopped around on the Net and found nothing under $100 + the shipping costs to Canada were unreal. So I decided to buy a $15, 36'' x 60'' mat from the hardware store and trim it to fit my V. I found the exact pattern on a japanese site and printed it to scale on the plotter at my office. Just finished installing it. It fitted almost perfectly, but I had to trim it a little bit to get the perfect fit. Attached is some pictures I just took.
I am not sure what you are looking for but, mine has the OEM cargo mat. See this link: 2012 Prius V Cargo Floor Mats