I can't get the Samsung SCH-i730 phone (Bluetooth w/Windows Mobile) to connect to 2005 Prius (Package 6). I've tried every possible combination to connect that the book shows and every trick that I know. Verizon (the Carrier) lists the Prius as compatible and, although vaguely described, says it's pending (whatever that means). I suspect the phone model just won't work (expensive junk huh?). can anyone shed some light on making it work? Thanks.
We have seen people post problems with various Samsungs. Do a search here to see if your symptoms match theirs. Not sure anyone has tried a 730, but post what you see, good or bad. Where did you see them list it as compatible? I thought 'pending' meant it had not been tested yet. Actually, it is pretty unusual to see'pending', so I suspect they did test it, and were having problems themselves! :mellow:
I suspect that will be what gets them off the 'pending' list... So, if the phone doesn't work right now, it may with a software update later. I think Verizon gives you 15 days to decide if you want the phone, too. So, you might also consider a different phone.
There's at least one PC member with an i730 who has been successful in pairing it with his Prius. Also, I read a post on another board by an Lexus owner who stated his i730 paired with his RX330 and he was able to transfer his entire phonebook. So, apparently, the i730 works with the Denso BT kit.
I have a Samsung i730 (Verizon) and 2005 Package 6 and had no problems pairing. Didn't do anything special. The i730 has Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Version 4.21.1088 (Build 15045.2.6.0). Are you able to pair with other devices with no problems? Any special software that might be interfering?
I called Verizon Tech Support who transferred me to Samsung Tech Support. Samsung Level 1 Tech Support couldn't answer the question so they transferred me to Samsung Level 2 Tech Support. They told me that Verizon deliberately ordered the phone designed with no ability to connect Bluetooth via a phone modem which (I think) is what they called the unit in the car. Samsung told me the hardware is not in the phone so software updates cannot fix it. You indicate your "pairing" worked so I'm just repeating what Samsung told me. Mine doesn't work in the Prius. It does work with the Samsung earpiece accessory so there's a signal. I guess I'll just buy another phone. Thanks everybody.
I'm sorry you are getting the run around. It definitely works. Problem with tech support, even level 2 is they are not familiar with products other than their own. They are confused about Bluetooth support to use the phone as a modem. It is true that Verizon tries to disable that function, but that is not relevant to using the phone with the Prius system. (Using the phone as a modem pertains to using the phone to enable another device to get on the Internet.) Are you following these steps? -On the Prius, go to the phone settings screen, then just before Adding a phone, do the following on the phone -On the today screen, turn Bluetooth on. -Then Start - Settings - Connections - Bluetooth: Mode tab- ensure both boxes checked. Then Devices tab Tap New... -Then right away go to the Prius screen and add the phone. The phone should ask you for the Pass Key that is shown on the Prius screen If you have not followed these steps, give it a shot. It would be a shame for you to return the phone. (BTW - if you get past this problem and keep the phone, it does work as a modem with bluetooth or with a cable. The cable is most convenient, and you can connect a laptop to the phone and get DSL speeds in areas where Verizon has rolled out EVDO (broadband) service. They do not support doing this, but if you don't abuse it, you are ok.) John
John - It worked (Hooray!). I had been turning the car on search BEFORE I turned on the phone search. Your event sequencing does make a difference. Thanks so much - I'm back on the electronic highway again.
PRIUSNC, Really glad I could help. The problem with many of the interconnectivity issues with these devices is customer service/tech support are not too helpful. If you are interested in using as a modem (something they said you can't do) let me know and I will get you some info. Take care, John
John, I am an i730 owner and have some interest in using my i730 as a modem connection to my blue tooth enabled labptop (i.e., use my i730 as a wireless modem to remotely attach to internet). Is there a website or a specific whitepaper that illustrates what needs to be done to get it to work. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. Chris
pdaPhoneHome is a good site, specifically: http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/showthread....8131#post388131
Chris, The site tag posted is a good one and has the information. If you would like, PM me your email address and I will send you instructions and driver. John
John, Thanks for the offer. I followed Tag's link in the previous thread and found the FAQ. While the performance is only about 125k download and 90k upload, it differently provides connectivity where there was none previously. Again, thanks for yours (and Tags) assistance. Chris
I have an i730 that I was able to pair with my Prius, however I stopped using the BT connection because it didn't work correctly. For example, when I would get an incomming call, I couldn't answer it or I couldn't hear the person when I answered it. Also, it was very difficult to place outgoing calls, especially when the address book can't be imported to the Prius.
You should be able to transfer phonebook entries from your i730 to your car. Verizon didn't mess with OPP on the i730, AFAIK. There's no reason that device shouldn't be fully functional with the Denso BT kit.