Since this is clearly a political thread, here's an opinion piece: Black Hoodlums Attack Whites at Wisconsin State Fair « MN Prager Discussion Group You guys are classic. Whether it is a soccer match, a basketball game, a night on the town or at a state fair, certain things are happening that have a very distinct perpetrator vs. victim profile....specifically, black perp and white victim(s). However, the inverse is seldom the case. This is not about hoodies. And only the most intellectually defunct would take Rivera's (or Bill Cosby's for that matter) point and mock it. This is your modus operandi and has been for decades. Distractions and convolution to avoid the REAL issue.
When I was in prison, I was somewhat frightened that I would encounter a lot of hostility from the majority black prison population, on the assumption that white racism would be mirrored by black racism. I would imagine that most of these guys were from the inner city (though it never occurred to me to poll my fellow inmates on their home neighborhoods). In fact, I encountered no such hostility or racism. I am ashamed (as a Jew) to admit that some of the Jewish inmates expressed racist feelings toward the black inmates. And at one (but only one!) of the prisons I was in, I experienced anti-semitism directed at me from the Native American inmates. And I heard one story (but no personal observation) of a Hispanic man defending a white inmate from an attempted rape by a black man, which I attributed to hispanic homophobia. But I never encountered any racism or hostility directed against me from the black inmates. Further, I have a white friend who grew up in a very poor, very rough black neighborhood, and he told me that as a general rule, the blacks were not racist against the whites. My friend was surprised by this, as was I, but it is consistent with my experience in prison, where as a white guy I was in the minority. So the assumption of black racism in your quote is bull.
Really? So it was just mere coincidence that the only victims of recent groups attacks by blacks across the country over the last couple of years were white? There have been several and slurs were made by the attackers. When was the last time this happened to a black? When they were in fact clearly Orwellian hate crimes, why were they not addressed as such by the media or government? The same goes for the soccer fields, basketball courts, locker rooms, restaurants, etc.. Who is the "typical" offender and who is the victim in terms of race? Anyway, I don't really care to delve into the statistics of cross-racial crimes with regards to perp and victim. I would imagine that anyone not aware of the gross imbalance between black on white vs. white on black has an agenda that includes making any excuse they can for such figures- socio-economic, systematic injustices...yadda yadda. My point with regards to this stupid thread is that (as usual) the original statement made (by Geraldo- not white) is taken out of context, attributed to whiteness and mocked when in fact (and figure) it made a point. Putting up photos of "white" guys, cartoons, fictional characters, etc. with hoodies on is simply disingenuous. I don't believe so much in racism as it is currently being oversold, but I do believe in competing powers and ethnic struggles for dominance. No one race has exclusivity in this domain. And no one race should be allowed carte blanche on poor behaviors under the guise of racial repression or whatever the hobgoblin of the day may be.
I make no excuses for violence. All violence is reprehensible. I merely note that blacks suffer far more at the hands of whites than vice versa, and yet as a group show far less racism against whites than they receive. Note that much of the violence of whites against blacks is systemic, as the white power structure targets blacks for harassment, arrest, and prosecution for the identical crimes that, when whites commit them, the cops turn a blind eye to or just don't bother to investigate, and often in the absence of any crime, as when black drivers are pulled over "on suspicion." There are jurisdictions where "driving while black" is treated by cops as a crime. And I have witnessed differential treatment of whites and Indians by cops.
She can have my skittles, all of them... [ame=""]Skittles 'Newlyweds' Dir Cousins Not affiliated w Skittles, not suitable for minors ORIGINAL - YouTube[/ame]
Wow it's statements like this, based on total hearsay, that keep the racial divide wide open. While there may be no excuse for violence, there are plenty of excuses for self defense and the facts will come out in the trial. If someone forcibly acts against me, my family, or my home, there will be no question that violence will be met with violence. If you want to talk about bias in the criminal justice system, why is there no outrage when white youths are murdered at the hands of blacks? These kids were executed as they begged for their life at the hands of a black man. Families Of British Students Murdered In U.S. Lash Out At Obama White House For Ignoring Them | Mediaite Or how come when a white person uses the word nigger, there is immediate public outcry and demonization of that person, but when a black person calls white people "honkeys, crackers and pigs" it is ok. New Black Panther Party chief of staff Michelle Williams apologizes after George Zimmerman radio outburst | Or when 6 black thugs beat up a 78 year old man, that must be ok too. Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo - Toledo Blade Or how about when a 27 year old man is beat by 8 black thugs? Police are investigating the beating of a 27-year-old man who said he was attacked by several men who shouted “Trayvon.” | Or painting "kill whitey" on the side of a building Franklin tagged with Trayvon Martin-related vandalism - FranklinNOW "Systemic" violence of whites against blacks, you cant be serious. Black people are black peoples own worst enemy. They commit most of the crimes, fill most of they jails, murder themselves and sell drugs to themselves. They are experts at keeping their own race repressed without our help. Listen to some rap music, see how they dress and you think it is white peoples fault? Until they look within as a race, and stop pointing the finger of blame everywhere else, things will always be the same. No amount of social programs, affirmative action or anything else is going to change that.
You can always find examples of any sort of racially-motivated violence, and you can always find examples of racism in any group. But the statistics are clear and irrefutable, from slavery in the colonial period to the vastly disproportionate imprisonment of blacks and other people of color in the U.S. today. One of the most insidious forms of racism is claiming that your own racism is justified by the supposed nastiness of the other side, and another is claiming that violence by the oppressed group against your own is being ignored or tolerated. You assert that my views are based on nothing but hearsay. My views are based on personal experience and published statistics. The U.S. imprisons people of color at a vasty disproportionate rate. This is an easily-available statistic, and I have seen it while I was in prison. I have also worked in a homeless shelter and witnesses the differential treatment of whites and people of color by the cops. And contrary to my own expectations and fears, I never experienced hostility from any the the black prisoners when I was in prison. I speak from personal experience, history, and easily-available information. And I repeat that ALL violence is reprehensible, regardless of who is the perpetrator and who is the victim.