I have an '05 and had aftermarket speakers and amp installed (Best Buy, where they initially seemed to do a passable job, but I had to tinker a bit later to get it all working properly...but I digress), and assume that during installation, maybe something was knocked loose to cause my right rear door lock to not respond to any electronic efforts to lock it. I can manually lock and unlock the door from the inside, but neither the key fob nor the power lock buttons up front work. I did take the door panel off of the right rear door and didn't notice anything that appeared obviously wrong. I unplugged and then replugged the power lock plug (damn, I need coffee.. I am perfectly aware there is another word for that, lol), and it is securely fastened. I don't notice any signs of the lock even attempting movement when the key fob (or lock button on the front doors) is pressed. Since the other doors work properly, I am assuming that the problem is either at the offending door or perhaps some central location (dash???), but don't know where to look. Any suggestions or guidance? Many thanks!
They disconnected something to disable it and should fix it. They may need to down load the wiring diagram but I would think that they could look around and find a loose connection.
I agree with hdrygas, Janine. I think it's something BB screwed up, and they should fix it. You've checked the connection to the lock selenoid, so you know it's not that. While extremely unlikely, the lock selenoid could have died, I guess, but the others haven't. Since the parts you can see look good, make BB check their work. They may have pinched the lock wire, so it worked for a while, but eventually cut the wire, due to normal flexion opening and closing the back door.
there will be 3 wires at the door lock actuator...yellow, green, and orange. The orange wire is a confirmation signal sent back to the body ecu. The green and yellow carry the power and ground. PLace your meter or test light in series with the unpluged connector on the yellow and green wires. Hit lock and unlock....powers up it's toyota's problem and a DOA door lock actuator. No power? Use a good ground like the door hinge bolts and try lock/unlock while probing just the yellow wire....power when locking, nothing when unlocking. Green power unlocking, nothing locking. Still no power? Remove the right front kick panell (below the glove box, ahead of the door.) There are 3 connectors in a vertical stack snug aginst the body. The lower one is connector IM1. Power to the doors go into this connector....it is probably connected or other issues would arrise but did they splice into anything here? Recheck the one wire to a good ground on the yellow and green wires here. No power? Possible Body ecu...again Toyota's problem. Good luck. I can fax you a schematic if you would like. PM me. Regards, Mike
Bless you. Did not even have to try to read that wiring diagram. Thanks! Nice to have a Prius Tech around to help out.