Toyota gave me to much time and now I changed my mind. I was set on getting the basic model but hearing so many good things about the advanced model I would like an advanced now. My dealer doesn't think it is possible to switch out my basic for an orphaned advanced model. My basic should be at the dealer any day now. Anybody hear of someone doing this?
Dealers expect to get significant profit for these orphan vehicles. You telling them you are undecided them gives them the incentive to "not help you" so you cancel your order and they can sell your reserved car at a higher price.
Upgrading to Advanced: 1) I don't think it would be easy to add the radar for DRCC and PCS 2) Also, don't think it would be easy to cut a hole in the dash and add the HUD 3) Though it would be easy to add a HomeLink mirror 4) You could add leather, or faux-leather to your seats. 5) I don't know if you could add Safety Connect 6) You could swap out the Head Unit for a larger one, but you will have to buy the larger surround from Toyota for the 7" NAV unit. These are the only difference I remember.
I'd think you'd have to hope they had someone cancel an order for an Advanced model at your specific dealer. If not, I'd be hesitant to let your car go - little guarantee of getting a car at all then!
Maybe you can find someone who is getting an advanced model who wants the basic model and trade spots...
Just cancel the order, look for an advanced model, either at that dealership or another one, I can guarantee that you won't be satisfied with your purchase unless you do that.
If I knew when the Advanced models were coming out I would cancel, but if they aren't coming out for 6 months or longer I would rather get the basic. I'm sure I will love the base model I just think I would love the Advanced model more.
I might need to clarify my last post. If I knew when the PIP will be available to the general public it would make this so much easier then I would know when I could get the Advanced.