Ahh...I think the OP is missing a vital truth. A dead horse, much like a hybrid, might not be fast, but neither does it eat much.
The ICE produces a peak of 73 HP, the Motor/Generators 60 HP at their peak, and they combine to make a peak of 99 HP. The ICE makes its peak near red line, while the M/Gs make their peak near stopped.
Is that a dead horse? in the creative department I give you an F take it off before you get a PETA member angry.
Hmmm...how about: "Don't follow me, I'm saving money on gasoline" For the more politically oriented. "Don't follow me, I'm fighting the oil war"
Re: Created this decal for my rear window based on my newfound driving habits Originally Posted by ewaboy LMAO!! I like it. By the way - is that a gerbil or a really fat hamster? Hyder;1528524]A composit indiscript rodent. I call it Priuscy. Haah... Too funny!:clap2: