Really? I checked my 2004 manual and I couldn't find an oil consumption max number. 1.1 qt/600 miles seems like a lot. Intuitively, I would think that 1.1 qt. consumed in 600 miles would mean the engine is in really bad shape.
Before, if you picked "Prius PHV" from the list of vehicles, only the 2010 showed up. The 2012 is there now too. The manual documents specifically say "2012" on them.
Yep, thanks. It turns out my link doesn't actually select the correct year/vehicle. If you have visited the page previously, the vehicle shown is cached from the last one you have selected. I've corrected my post above.
What if the "pranksters" are your local municipality that just invented a bright yellow J1772 handle with a locking release mechanism to use for "booting" EV's?
I say good for them, those scofflaws who don't pay their parking tickets should be booted, and done in the most cost effective way, a locking J-1772 handle that disables the vehicle from being moved will be easier to deploy, cost the city less, etc. Of course on several vehicles like the Volt, the J-1772 door opens from the inside. There is enough to worry about in the world without being concerned about this one.
Where I live, I have more concerns with the local wildlife than pranksters. Anybody else though think this is a great anti-theft gadget in the making? Quick get a patent going.
I updated my original post with the compiled Owner's Manual to include the Display Audio with Navigation Owner's Manual. Sadly, the the Premium HDD Navigation Owner's Manual is not yet up. Owner's Manual post
So we can now look at the actual tire pressures on all 5 tires from the Audio screen by pressing "Car" then "Tire Pressure." Nice!
It will display all four and up to five, if you decide to install a spare with a TPMS thingy. Page 193 in the 2012 Audio and Display PDF indicates this. I will assume, and maybe not correctly, that the PiP and the regular 2012 higher end displays have similar features for TPMS readouts. I wonder if one can have it read out in psi instead of kPa?
I vote for carrying a compact spare, and somebody at Toyota must have felt the same way. Otherwise, why would you need a jack? The air compressor inflates the tire, the goop goes into seal it, and running the tire causes the goop to spread and seal the leak. No jack needed for that, unless I'm missing something. Now, if the bolt pattern is the same as any other Prius.......
Updated my original post with Warranty and Maintenance Guide and Premium HDD Navigation Owner's Manual. Also added download links. Owner's Manual post
Apparently you are not much of a do-it-yourselfer. That jack comes in handy for oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections, etc,. and in the event of serious tire failure, I'd want to be able to remove and replace the wheel for tire replacement, instead of letting some schmuck drag my car around on the rim.
Post #71, above, has information that no one has been able to verify. Prius can not show tire pressures currently. Unfortunate that the manual was printed/released before the car shipped. There is no such functionality. Toyota screwed up. Perhaps Toyota will get this straight after a while and offer up a firmware upgrade. It obviously did do what it says in some pre-released version, so we know it is possible to display individual tire pressures.
I have modified and reposted the Owner's Manual here:(link deleted - see update below) with the following improvements: Page numbers in the PDF now follow the numbers on the pages, so you can go to a page number and get to the right place. Added bookmarks with chapter headings Bookmarks don't mess up page view It looks like the page links only work if they were in the same section in the split document, and that'd be a bear to fix. Is the index available anywhere? Update: ryogajyc has updated the Quick Guide, Owner's Manual, and Premium HDD Navigation Owner's Manual linked from his earlier post and they are better - see explanation here.
I have found another error in the owners manual. The description of the headlight stalk is incorrect for the base model. The owners manual on pages 292, 293 and 294 describes 3 different types of stalks: A, B, & C. Type A has 4 posititons (starting from the bottom): DRL offf, Headlights & parking lights on, Parking lights only, Auto on/off Type B has 4 positions: Off, Parking lights on, Headlights & Parking lights on, Auto on/off Type C has 4 positions: DRL On, Parking lights on, Headlights & Parking Lights on, Auto on/off What I actually have on my base model is: Off, DRL on, Parking lights on, and Headlights & Parking lights on. I've attached an image of my stalk:
Right. My Base is like yours. No Auto. Also the CAR button of the Display is on the right of the display, not the left as in part of the manual. Was the Manual not checked with the Actual car? And why 3 Types when there are only 2 models?
What is different in Canada? I'm in Rochester, NY, go to Toronto yearly and practically Canadian, eh.