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Engine on in `PARK` with foot on accelerator

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by brownne, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. brownne

    brownne New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Has anyone a rationale for this:

    I had my Prius in PARK at the lights when I decided to press the accelerator - far enough depressed the engine actually turns on. `Great` I thought - if I want to charge the batterty when I am static, I can just put my foot on the accelerator.

    No so though! - when I looked at the energy flow screen, even with the engine on in this situation, the battery (NiMh) does not appear to benefit.

    Does anyone know what is the point of the engine igniting when the car is in PARK and the accelerator is pressed ? Is it charging the auxilliary battery ?? Is it good for anything other than wasted fuel??

    ps. Please no comments to the effect that I should not press the accelerator when I am in PARK - my point is: Whats the point of being able to start the ICE with the accelerator (warming the CAT did cross my mind but why doesn`t the Engine Management System deal with this?)
  2. mikepaul

    mikepaul Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Columbia, SC
    2004 Prius
    Somewhere out there were 'speed charge' directions to refill the battery which were similar to what you did, but I thought it needed to be in D to make it work...
  3. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    what you experienced is normal, and there is a very slight charge at about 1175RPM but to keep it there is really tricky, back off just a smidgen and it quits running and if you try to get to 1250RPM it quits charging. Also if the battery BSOC is high it won't charge at all. You can force charge the HV battery but I won't tell you how as it's a stupid thing to do as all you do is over heat MG1

    Edited the 12 volt battery charges independent of the ICE running there is no conventional alternator on a Prius.
  4. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    There is a previous thread on this and it makes no sense let the computer do it's work. Remember that what you see on the display is not full charge or no charge on the battery. It is the computers keeping the battery in an optimal range to maintain long battery life. The computers will not allow you to over or under charge the HV battery. See Frank's previous post.
  5. nicksaadah

    nicksaadah New Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    Hi all,

    The last time I had my oil changed, they asked me to start my car up so they could check the oil pressure. I did, and seven seconds later (as expected), the ICE started, but soon turned off when they were not yet done doing their checks. They asked me if I could turn the engine back on, and I told them "actually - no I can't!"

    So, I can think of one situation in which you might want to force the ICE to ignite, and thanks to you, I now know how to do it!

  6. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    Check the oil pressure??? How did they do that? Sounds bogus to me.
  7. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    to check for oil leaks after an oil change just put the car in "B"
  8. 8AA

    8AA Active Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    2004 Prius
    They weren't really checking the oil pressure, but needed the ICE to run so that the lubrication system could pressurize. If the oil filter is not seated properly, it will leak when the ICE is running. They were only checking to make sure that the filter was properly installed.

    Even when the ICE is warm, it should run long enough for them to check, but if not, you can press the accelerator pedal down about half-way; just be sure the car is in PARK.
  9. brownne

    brownne New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    West Yorkshire, UK

    Thanks for all the replys. With regard to above, how do you know the engine rpm ? I didn`t think there was a rev counter on the Prius ??

    Also, to force charge to HV batteries- could you just not find a big hill and let it coast down (in Drive) ? I`ve had it fully charged (on the indication at least) this way and it doesn`t seem to then stop charging - the car is still restrained by the generators (and not the engine) so the gravitational energy is going somewhere.

    Thanks anyway - I`m still in the shade (not quite the dark) though as to why Toyota feel the need to let you start the engine like this. The comment about engine lubrication (or any other maintenance / test reason you need the engine on) seems to me to be the most likely reason.

    Thanks again.
  10. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    on my Classic Prius I have a MiniScanner that provides most of the data that I quote, rpm, engine temps, HV battery voltage and charge amps and discharge amps, 57 items in all that the car will not display.
    On the wifes 2k4 Prius I have installed the CAN-view system and get rpm, HV battery voltage, charge and discharge, engine temp etc.
    as a mechanic I've always thought the lack of instrumentation was the Prius biggest fault. Not that MG1 temp is really usefull in daily transport but just to know that if I'm towing my trailer and want to keep an eye on the MG temps I can do it.
  11. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    There is also a device called ScanGage that you can buy and plug in the CAN bus and get a number of readings like RPM, temp. It is a generic device and does not get into things like battery charge other than the 12v system. You can also use it in other cars. There is at least one thread on the topic and here is the URL for the device; http://www.scanGage.com
  12. froggdancer

    froggdancer New Member

    Aug 30, 2004
    Pasadena, California

    Hi Frank -

    I would really like the extra data that comes from knowing the engine temperature, etc. I almost didn't buy the 2004 prius b/c of its lack of guages. You see, my Dad is also a mechanic and he trained me to always be looking and evaluating that information.

    Could you describe a little more about the CAN-view system so I can figure out where to purchase it and how to install it. Also, does it void the warranty? Keep in mind that despite being the daughter of a mechanic, I am fairly clueless myself when it gets beyond anything more complicated than changing my oil and brakes so the simpler your explanation is, the better. :D

    Also, I'm REALLY interested in the fact that you have towed a trailer with your prius. I just bought a little teardrop (it weighs about 600lbs loaded - pics below) and I've towed it with one of my Dad's little trucks so far, but I am contemplating towing it with my Prius. I bought a receiver hitch but I haven't installed it yet because I am worried about two things:
    1. If they catch me towing a trailer, my warranty is toast; and
    2. I am not sure whether there are any issues specific to the electrical nature of the Prius when it comes to attach the wires for trailer lights.
    Do you have any comments regarding these two issues? Also, which Prius did you use to tow and how has it responded to towing and how heavy was the trailer you towed?

    I'd really appreciate any answers you could give me, but I realize I've asked a lot of questions so whatever you can tell me would be great. My personal email is rianael1atyahoo.com (except the "at" is @).


  13. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    At this point you have three options. First there is a PDA option, I do not remember the name but PM efusco he has it. Second there is ScanGage you can get this at http://www.scangauge.com/ . This is a generic gage for the CAN bus as is the first I eluded to. The last is more like the MiniScaner, that is only available for the Classic Prius. If you have a 04 or > then you may want the CAN View. Try the Commercial Sponsors and the Audio Electronics Forums. The later is the present pinnacle of snooping into the Prius. Each work in there own way and all are useful in providing information on the Prius functioning. Depends on how far you wish to sink into the obsession.
  14. andyprius

    andyprius Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Sacramento, California.
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base