of course i sent them on a snipe hunt twice before settling on sea something pearl. First I wanted red then I remembered how many times I woke up to find my red maxima gone then I thought nautical blue na he will still sneak out especially with the electric motor . So now I must decorate. The first thing to go is the horn. It's a joke. Then i found some hub caps that are more arcs and curves then hard aggressive lines. Going after the husky mats. Kids have destroyed my town and country gas guzzler. Now to find Eco friendly not to prissy grafix. I will post some pix.
uhhh...I'm having a hard time comprehending what you're trying to say here. Are you saying you've located a car that you want, but afraid a significant other or your kids will sneak out with it when you're not aware, and then how you're gonna mod???
Well I've found some really cute dolphins and various flower designs but as the car is a gift and he might have to go to the manly man hanger and work on planes I am going to get some pin strips with a little swirly design in a gender neutral color. The wheel covers are not totally gay i have to find a horn i have a 94 caddy 90 buick a dump truck 68 chevy truck and a box truck but I need to see how much room I have to work with. May just copy the mod I heard in the forum.
The car was a gift. She wants it to look boring enough that her children won't borrow it. But it could (will?) be driven by her partner to a "manly" job so she's making "masculine" mods.