I just got my car 5 days ago. 250 miles on it. 3 days ago I had a problem with the SKS. I made several short trips so I remember the exact sequence of events, but they are all similar. I went to hit the button on the door handle and got the key with the line through it, the error with the SKS one. I came out of the store and it would not unlock by lifting the handle. I kept pulling on it and it finally opened. Same with powering it on. I'd hit the power and get the line/key thing. I punched it several times and it powered on. Once I had to use the unlock button the remote to open the door. When I actually put the key in the car it started just fine and the rest of the day I had no problme with the SKS. The next day it worked fine for a little while and then it started getting weird. Right away I put the key in and started and shut down. Removed the key and tried to start with it out. Still got the line/key light. So I just drove with the key in the key hole. I got to my destination and the SKS worked. I made an appointment with the dealer for tomorrow to look at it. ANyone have any ideas what the problem is?
Do you by chance keep a cell phone in the same pocket as the SKS fob? If you search through the manual, you will find a section that states that cell phones in close proximity with the fob may cause interference. Also, ambient RF interference is certain areas may cause problems.
Definately sounds like either a weak battery or interference from cell phone or something else. Have you compared it with the other fob?
No I only tried the one. It never happened when I was near home. I always had to put the key in and when I got home it worked. Near the cell phone is a possiblity. I put both in my pocket and don't really remember where each was. EDIT: After re-reading my original post the cell phone could be the problem. When I actualy took the key from my pocket I might have placed it in a different pocket hence getting rid of the interferance. I'll experement and get back to you. Thanks for your help.
Ok I tried to make it fail and I couldn't. I took the cell phone and the fob and held them together and it started. I fliped it over on all sides incase the fob being on the battery side of the phone mattered and it worked fine. If it happens again I'll switch out the fobs and see if I can reproduce it.
It just might be the battery, even on a new vehicle. Batteries aren't always consistent and sometimes you do get one that is partially or fully drained by the time it is put into use. I avoid carrying the fob with other keys. It usually is in the opposite pocket of my regular keys. They tend to scratch up the fob, and my cell phone, when I carry it, is either in a hip clip, or I carry it in hand, and it is a long way from my fob. You might want to try this. Make sure the Prius is locked. Move away from the car and hold the fob in your hand. There is a red light in the upper corner of the fob. When that light flashes the fob and the car are in contact with each other. The interior light should also come on when the car senses the fob nearby. Then grab the door handle. It is possible to grab the door handle before the vehicle has recognized the fob. Also, don't just pull the door handle when you go to unlock it, but rather place your hand around the handle and wait for the door to unlock and then pull the door open. The door isn't unlocked by pulling on the handle, but is unlocked by touching the sensor that is on the underside of the handle.
One other thing to look for is if this is location specific. I recall someone having a certain mall parking lot that they had a terrible time with getting their SKS to work in...some locations it worked, others it didn't. But I'm betting it's interference from the cell.
As Evan said, it may be location-specific. I have trouble in certain parking spaces in the garage at work. The sales guy that I bought my car from said that a couple of his customers have had SKS problems at certain gas stations. Speaking of batteries, has anyone had to replace the fob battery yet? I've had my car for nearly two years, and it's still working. Happy motoring,
Nope....it did happen at home, but the first time it did happen was at home and it worked after a couple trys. After that it got worse. So it was not location specific. I'll let you know what the dealer finds out.
Frustrating, to say the least. If I were in your shoes, I think I'd change the battery just out of curiosity. Good luck!
Yup, sounds like my Hang on Ig-On problem. Occurs very infrequently, only lasts a minute, and is easily cleared when you know how. Just press the power button without the brake, for those of you who have gotten stung by that.