I've read on some of the other threads that a lightweight set of jumper cables is better for a Prius because they keep the current in check and they're easier to fit into the small battery connection area. Years ago I acquired a set of lightweight jumper cables that connect between the cigarette lighters of two cars, with no need to open the hoods and remember the correct connection process. After plugging in both ends, you're supposed to run the booster car, and place the dead car into accessory mode to open the circuit between the cigarette lighter and the battery, then let the battery charge for a few minutes before starting. Does anyone know if this system would work with a Prius c, or are the electronics here too different from a regular car? More specifically, is the cigarette lighter powered by the 12V battery? I also have a pair of traditional cables, but space is so tight inside this car that I'd rather pack something smaller if possible. By the way, I've read various instructions for alternate ways to jump a Prius or use a Prius to jump another car, but the manual for my Prius c follows the traditional process: connect positive to positive and negative to negative (directly to the 12V battery under the back seat), run the booster car, and try to start the dead car. Thanks for your input.
I never knew this existed - thanks: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005OWK2/ref%3Dasc_df_B00005OWK21737749/%3Ftag%3Daskcom05el-20%26creative%3D394997%26creativeASIN%3DB00005OWK2%26linkCode%3Dasn
In the Gen 2 Prius, the cigarette lighter is only connected once the computers boot. A jump box hooked to the jump points under the hood works, but not the ones that plug in the cigarette lighter.
You can rewire one of the AUX (nee cig. lighter) power outlets to be always on. There was a low cost kit offered to do this for the Gen2 Prii at elearnaid. A similar mod should be straight forward on the "C". JeffD
Note that the instructions given in the manual are only for jump-starting your Prius if it has a dead battery (the 12V in the rear). You should not use your Prius to jump-start another car (there is a thread somewhere in PriusChat describing someone's attempt to do that and the subsequent problems that ensued).
My power jack turns on in accessory mode, but I guess this is after the computers have turned on (the informational display also turns on). So if the battery were dead, the computers would not boot and therefore the power jack would not be active? The c manual doesn't say anything about under-the-hood jump points; it shows how to remove the panel under the back seat and access the battery directly. I opened it up, just to see how it worked, and it seemed like it would be pretty difficult to get jumper cables onto there. I'm guessing if the c had a more easily accessible option it would have been in the manual, but I can check under the hood if nobody else has done so. Interesting, I'll have to check that out.
Correct. Once the Prius is booted, you have no need for the 12V battery, so no need to jump. If you can't boot, the power jack is disconnected, so it can't be used for jumping. For all other Prius, the jump point under the hood is in the black fuse box on the driver's side. Open it up and there is a red positive stud. Tom
If you rewire your plug to stay on all the time, wouldn't you then possibly increase the chances of having a dead battery, if you happened to leave something plugged in overnight?
In my 2004, there are two Aux power plugs (AKA cigarette lighter). Make the one that is not normally used "always on". JeffD