8. [attachmentid=1408] 7. [attachmentid=1407] 9. [attachmentid=1409] 10. [attachmentid=1410] 6. [attachmentid=1411] 5. [attachmentid=1412] 4. [attachmentid=1413] 3. [attachmentid=1414] 2. [attachmentid=1415] 1. [attachmentid=1416] 12. [attachmentid=1417] 11. [attachmentid=1418] 13. [attachmentid=1419] EDIT: all avatars except one posted out of order compared to the screen names above, so I simply changed the numbers in front of each avatar. Duh. :huh: For some reason unknown to me, maggieddd's and aka007ii's have no motion until you click on them, opening them in a new window. Edit #2: vote until Monday, Dec. 19, midnight PST (3 a.m. EST). Run-off (it looks like) will be posted late Tues., Dec. 20.
Had to vote Mr. Bill. It was the first avatar that stood out when I joined. That and wondering if DanMan's head realy looks like that? Off topic: I just realized that with Firefox, viewing a photo by it's self (not in a web page) automaticly creates a favicon of that image (little icon next to the http:// in the address bar). I used to spend lots of time making those for clients with special software. Now I can just take a screen shot and cut it out. Done! The image still needs to start off at the correct size ratio otherwise it will be squashed into a square. Yes, I get excited about the little things.
Tough Choice - I went with DANNY - although Bill Merchant 's is Very cool too. I just love the power button B)
the reason aka007ii's and my avatars are not animated here is because the size of our avatars is not within the boards specs and they are not uploaded to this site. Notice you can't click on Kiloran's and XLR8's avatars to enlarge them because these are the original sizes already.
Had to vote for Bill - he's probably the closest thing to a Prius celebrity as we have around here! Good luck everyone!
The ever-humble Danny. Sorry, gents; I didn't vote for either of you. But as an adopted Chicagoan, I'm trying to figure out how I can vote a few more times!
Only if you add a line where I can vote of "All of the Above" Otherwise, I'm an old fuddy duddy and would have to split my vote between Bill and Danny. I'm a sucker for original artwork which expresses the inner emotions of Prius lovers everywhere and will select that over "neat stuff found on the web" any day. Vince
When I show folks all of the avatars, they pretty much point out Bill as something to comment on. My vote has to be for Bill.
Big Daddy, sweet avatar. It's sorta a primative Mondrian kinda thang. I like it. Can we reopen the ballot?
Amazing how well Bill holds up in these polls, isn't it? :lol: Dear Bill, Consider running for something.
:lol: Geez, Bill must log on each evening saying to himself, "Wonder what the little rascals have done to me today?".
Honestly, to me there are 3 avatars here that both 1) say "I love Prius" and 2) are really visually interesting. These 3 avatars only work here on PC, they would not work on any other car, photograpy, book club, child raising, etc enthusiast chat room. Only one of them is in the running: Bill Merchant. The other 2 are easily recognizable, but I got to say that even non-PriusChat people look at Bill's photo and it really stands out because of that HSD logo: people spot that in a second. It is Bill's trademark. I spotted it immediately and bonded with it when I joined the site in June. Yes, I agree: All Hail Bill!
We must all realize, however, that if Bill wins, that penguin may not resurface for its next swatting...heavy, indeed, would be the burden of guilt for some of us...