Order Page now lists their buttonless EV Mode modification for sale ($45). Otherwise they still just show the XMRadio and Hitch for the '04 as the only other available add ons.
If you go to their EV page, there's a picture of the buttonless doohickey as well. Anyone have any experience with this? For $45 and a "simple installation" I might give it a shot. Does CoastalDave still post here..?
Has anybody installed the buttonless EV mode enhancement yet? Would love to see a review of this product. Thanks, Jody Rawles, Long Beach, CA
Hey Evan, Is that the one where you just give the cancel button a pull on the cruise control? I want it, if it is. lol, Thanks.
Coastal Dave and Rich Evans are the only two people I know for sure that have used this. It is the one where you use the Cruise Control switch to operate it. Rich Evans in Orlando has reported some quirks and intermittent failures while using it as occasionally some of the signals for CC and EV get confused, but overall I think he was happy with it. Installation involves only removing the cover over the ECU (see my installation instructions), plugging one wire into the ECU, then one wire clips to the Cruise control wire in the same area and the other clips to the ground wire on the ECU. No reason it should take anyone more than about 15 minutes to install. Depending on the splicers he's using it may be tough to uninstall, however as those wires are permanantly spliced in...if that's important. As long as noone removes the cover to look at the ECU the install should be invisible.
I'm quite sure the same disclaimer I use for the mod instructions I posted will apply. As long as your mod doesn't directly harm the ECU there is no reason the warranty should/could be affected. If, OTOH, your HV ECU shorts out, rather b/c of or inspite of the mod, I think you might have the warranty challenged. Likewise the HV Battery.
Evan, I remember you saying that you could make the EV button using the brights flasher with just using a few jumper cables. How do you do that? Which one do you recommend over the other, the cruise control mod or just doing it myself with the flashers. Thanks, Brian
I recommend doing it with a momentary suprises for other drivers when they think they're just dimming the lights, etc. Of the two, if I had to pick, I'd do the flasher b/c of the issues I mentioned with the cruise control. There are instructions in the Knowledge Base at the end of my instrusctions for installing the momentary switch. BTW, for anyone else with any questions about EV mode mods, I've answered most or all of these questions within the instructions...they're pretty complete. If you find any key information missing please let me know and I'll add it in.
I am going to go with the headlight thing, just one question...When I am driving and flash my brights, for another reason, not ev, it will engage, and then I just do it again. Is Activating it and then disabling it quick like that...bad? Thanks
One more thing, What is that purple wire that you pull out to put the EV wire in? Is it bad to just dangle there in the drive shaft? Thanks
I just finished, and it works very well. The wire I pulled out was the one that lets you flash the brights with-out activating the headlights. Now to use the brights, I turn on the lights, then flash them. It was a very easy installation and did it with just a wire, the rest was in the Prius. Now, I shouldn't use it alot, right? Thanks.
Wow, good job Brian! There are a number of threads you should/can search to see how/when it's probably a good idea and when it's probably a bad idea to use the EV mode. I think trial and error once you've read and understand the general principles of how it works and what it does is the best way to learn.
Thanks Evan, I don't want to damage anything so I think I am going to take it easy. I wouldn't want to damage the HV Battery or ECU now, would I. lol. Thanks to everyone that helped me out!!! Brian