My wife and I have been waging a war with the Prius C2 we bought, but I finally won out by deleting her phone from the bluetooth saved phone settings until I could figure out a fix to this. By default, now that my phone and stereo are paired, if I either stream from Pandora or the ipod app, once it is paired to the car it outputs bluetooth to the speaker. This is great because all audio to include the phone features work. I've noticed that when I connect my phone to the USB input of the car via the standard 32 pin apple charging cable, the system gets all problematic because the music app on the phone is set to default output via the bluetooth rather than the dock connector. This drove me crazy because any phone paired within range will automatically start streaming from where it left off while in bluetooth mode, and I couldn't figure out why my phone wasn't being utilized. There are no settings for elevating the output source in the iPhone settings to force dock connection to win vs bluetooth, and I believe this is a bluetooth issue. Does anybody else notice this? I could just manually force the phone to output via dock connector upon every reconnection, but it seems stupid to even plug it in now because once I sit in the car and turn it on, within 5 seconds the bluetooth is already streaming so I'm now just using a cigarette adapter to charge the phone while the bluetooth works... It just seems odd that there seems to be competition for audio out between the usb interface vs bluetooth and I don't know if the issue is my phone or the stereo. Any ideas would be appreciated.
What kind of phone do you have? I have an Android phone and there's a setting so that I only use bluetooth for call audio and not music audio. It annoyed me that the music would start streaming, so I just turned that option off.
I have an iPhone 4, not sure if others have this option. Makes me want to throw a bus powered USB drive permanently in the slot and use the iPhone for pandora and phone only in Bluetooth, just seems a waste to use cigarette adapter instead of built in port due to setting conflicts
My question is when I plug my droid into the usb it just displays reading and never goes from there. Is there anything I can do?
I was experiencing issues with multiple iDevices trying sync to the car radio. I have an iPhone 4S and iPad always with me. My 9-year-old daughter has her iPhone 4 when she is riding. My commute is long, so I also want to charge while I drive this helped solve the issue. I have an iPhone cable connected to the USB in the center console for the iPhone. Then for the iPad, I connect it to the AUX with an audio cable and I connect an iPhone cable to the 12 volt outlet in the center console. Both charging and both usable while I drive. I deleted my daughter's iPhone from the car radio... she can use headphones. When she makes the car payment, she can connect. She has already declared that the Prius is hers in 2018.
I'm having a similar problem. I have an iPhone 5 and a Prius C One. Pandora, Amazon Cloud Player and Music Player on device sound perfect through bluetooth. Handsfree calling used to sound good until I plugged the phone into the usb port. Now it sounds crackly (unbearable to listen to). I tried resetting everything by Initializing the Car Audio and Forgetting the Device on the phone. Same problem keeps coming up. I tried a cigarette adapter to charge my phone instead of the usb port and still the same problem. Don't know what to do. I would really like to make handsfree calls.
I just plug mine in when necessary. Only device I use with the USB normally is my iPod. Bluetooth is just easier for me and the battery life on the iPhone 5 is so fantastic I do just fine with my normal usage. If I'm on a trip I'll plug in, but I always make sure to download songs from iTunes match because if I don't the car thinks there is no music available. Or I just grab the iPod which I use only for music. If I need to charge I manually switch it to bluetooth instead of dock connector. I rarely have to do this so it doesn't bother me at all.