Okay, I admit it. I couldn't figure out how to open the rear door of my new Prius "C." My excuses: 1. My previous other cars "unlock" push button on the remote unlocked all doors including the rear door. 2. The close-up picture in the owner's manual makes it difficult to figure out if they are showing the car dashboard area or the actual back of the car. 3. The picture shown in the owner's manual makes it appear that the rear door release is easily visible right in front of your face when that is not the case. It is recessed out of sight and only visible if you get down on the ground and look up--which is what I finally did. Toyota needs to write these owner's manuals better so there are no doubts about where things are located. Now that I have confessed to my dumbest most-foolish moment using my new Prius "C," it is time for you all to share yours or, as they say, "to have egg all over your face." Laughing at ourselves is good for us!
umm.. i can't say i had any experiences like that.. i tend to do very thorough research prior to obtaining a vehicle. i suppose the only thing would be at my very, very first glance, i wasn't able to really tell the differences in the packages.. but it was literally a glance.. so it didn't take long for me to figure out the differences.. and this was before Toyota even updated their website to include the car in their line-up... so i was pretty much going off everything visually.
It took me a moment to get the back open too. I didn't realize the handle was going to feel so upscale compared to hatches I've had before. My hand was on the handle and I just didn't realize it since I was trying to feel for a lever mechanism or hinge of some kind. Other than that, just the standard happens-in-any-car type things of telling someone to hop on in, but not unlocking the car first.
The armrest.....it slides foward!! It took a week to figure that out! Just assumed it was stationary!
When I finished test driving the C, I pushed the OFF button and started to get out of the car. When it started to roll forward I realized I didn't put it in park. I am used to my Prius Hatchback taking care of the for me.
This may sound stupid but on the front bumper, on the passenger side, there is a rectangle shape cut upwards. I was looking in the book and searching online and can't figure out what it is there for. We walked by a Yaris the other day and it has a circle there. Can anyone tell me what that is?
Tie down point for when stowed on the boat I would assume. Behind the plug I would guess there is a point where a cable can be attached to move it short distances or clamp it down to prevent movement. I would guess there is one hidden on the back somewhere as well.
It's for emergency towing (page 425 in the manual). I think all new cars are required to have it. We went straight from a 2001 to a 2010 vehicle, so it happened sometime between then.
easter egg: each of the trip odmeters calculate the MPG separately I am using Trip A for total mileage and for a overall MPG and using Trip B for each tank, that way I can track mileage per tank too
You're a genius! Just brought mine home last nite This was a little concerning to me from the start but not enough to deter me. I started to adapt to it and thought "this isn't so bad". Went out this morning and slid it forward! Brilliant.